Too annoying to ignore

Ultimate online pest - too annoying to ignore?

  • judge melty
  • monkey
  • sandman
  • boss hogg
  • lump
  • cake
  • antonxie
  • tomas
  • taiwaner
  • wolf reinhold
  • Omniloquacious
  • imyourbiggestfan
  • Jake the Snake

0 voters

Who is the ultimate online pest? Too annoying to hit the ignore button?

Why not start a poll, and be sure to add yourself to the list.


Yes. First, nominations. For fun, any nominator also becomes a nominee.

So, what’s my prize?

Can I be on the list?


I have been annoyed by the absence of cake on occasion, but have yet to feel annoyed when cake is in the near vicinity though.

Do you work in a bakery?

oh, just ignore me :?

I need a button for “I hear you”


Again Anton comes back into the converstation with that wit that he is so well known for :smiling_imp:
He is on my ignore list and I regret hitting the “read this message” button already. Snooooooooooze.

I love you all and I want to read whatever you write.

That’s the point, just admit it:

We’re all way too curious about the whole nonsense going on here.

Nobody is ever going to ignore anyone.


There’s an ignore list? :shock:

Oh yeah, duh :blush: , that would be the button at the top of every page with the X in it.

Boss Hogg, why do you ignore Anton? I mean, unless he was sending you incessant personal messages, the (what I assume you consider) inanity of his posts could easily be passed over with a spin of the mouse wheel.

Is it possible to ignore all guests? That may a nice aspect of the ‘Ignored’ button. :slight_smile:

-Dave :smiley:

[quote=“LazyMF”]There’s an ignore list? :shock:

Boss Hogg, why do you ignore Anton? I mean, unless he was sending you incessant personal messages, the (what I assume you consider) inanity of his posts could easily be passed over with a spin of the mouse wheel.


I just needed someone to test the button on. Nothing personal, but he does send incessant personal messages, BTW how do you know about that?

I nominate:

Monkey, who is simultaneously annoying and funny. I would never ignore him, but I’m sure he doesn’t give a rat’s ass either way.

Half of Wolf Reinhold’s posts are misanthropic, the other half are cynical. But dammit, he’s also smart, and I’d hate to miss some of the gems he comes up with (and which I usually disagree with).

I also think we should nominate Taiwaner, postbanomously. He is an olympic-class conclusion jumper, and walks the tightrope of unsupportable theses with suicidal resolve. He is also an excellent example of modern schizophrenic behavior, with his hurried denials and post erasing. He is the only one I would truly ignore.

So start the poll, already.

Not everyone is as Web-savvy as you, I guess. :unamused:
Anton is cool cause he is posing idoims, with synonyms and antonyms on the Chinse-language board.

Not everyone is as Web-savvy as you, I guess. :unamused:
Anton is cool cause he is posing idoims, with synonyms and antonyms on the Chinse-language board.[/quote]

Now about those incessant personal messages. How do you know that Anton sends incessant personal messages? :?:

Web-savvy :unamused: I wouldn’t say that, but I am bi-lingual, I speak both Mac and PC. :unamused:

[quote=“Quirky”]Anton is cool cause he is posing idoims, with synonyms and antonyms on the Chinse-language board.[/quote] So I’ve been wasting my time wearing Ray Bans, smoking like a frenchman, and dancing like James Brown?

I don’t know about personal messages. I rarely receive them, and have never received one from Anton. Should I feel left out? :cry:

I only said it because receiving ridiculous numbers of the things is good grounds to ignore the person who is sending them to you.

Okay, here I am Anton… PM me, but do it soft okay? I’m still young and inexperienced. :blush:

I don’t ignore people. Has Taiwaner been banned?