Top Ten Led Zeppelin Songs

[quote=“urodacus”]A 7.5 year old grave dig! Nice one!

And yes, the Immigrant song. God pick Jimi. You beat me to it.
Mind you, I had 7.5 years of chances and missed it.[/quote]
Tempo Gain was the smart one. He listed every, single Led Zep song. Hard to fail. :slight_smile:

Only 10? :frowning:

Oh snap I missed one

Goes good after Four Sticks… wait make that Battle of Evermore

Current phone answer ring:

Or rather: driving my boss bonkers when someone calls me and I “forget” to turn the thing to mute. P.S. Please give me a ring. :wink:

I still remember back when I was around 18 or 19. I was at a party at a friend’s house surrounded by around 100 very loud party goers. I was standing in front the TV with my drink in my hand, watching and listening to this song- just mesmerized and completely oblivious to all the people and commotion around me. This is the best Zeppelin song folks.

lol i didnt even know there WERE ten famous Led Zep songs !

The one i HATE for some inexplicable reason is BLACK DOG . Maybe because on my album it came before Stairway to Heaven and i just couldnt wait for the dang song to end so i can get to the good one.

Sort of having to eat your brussel sprouts just to get it out of the way so you can get to the steak.

This is the song i hate from them (BUT I KNOW EVERY WORD AND NOTE)

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Any top ten list of Zeppelin songs for me will still have Stairway To Heaven at the top, and No Quarter right after it.

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I could be with you on the second one! I’m with @tommy525 on Black Dog

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C’mon, Black Dog isn’t that bad.

Probably I’ve just heard it too many times, hard to say. But I don’t want to hear it now. If I play Zep songs, I won’t play that one. Or STH and a number of other big hits.

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Overrated and overplayed for sure. Music really shouldn’t be overplayed. Bob Marley has some great songs, but I still can’t listen to them to this day because they conjure images of trustafarians skanking at full moon parties.


Mothership starts off pretty well. Straight into it!

I have no idea what this song is about, but I like the lyrics (and of course the awesome playing by everyone).


No but it comes before Stairway so I just can’t wait fir it to end

I guess this is a good thread to tag an article onto? I enjoyed a piece by James Wood in this week’s New Yorker about Zeppelin, inspired by but barely discussing Bob Spitz’s new book Led Zeppelin: The Biography. It’s making me go back to the band again, listening for what Wood writes about:

Listen again to “Rock and Roll” and you can hear how [Bonham] swings - he’s swiping his sloshy hi-hats back and forth and bouncing the beat forward, less the archetypal heavy-metal player than like the elegant mid-century big-band drummers he admired.

I opened Spotify and played “Rock and Roll”, a song I listened to far too many times in the 80s, and yeah! Cool! I have almost zero ear for “what’s going on” in music, and I love it when articles like this explain things to me.

In “Good Times Bad Times,” the opening song on the group’s first album, Bonham … introduces something that, it would seem, hadn’t featured before in rock—a series of fast triplets on the bass drum, but with the first strike of the triplet merely implied, so that the beat falls more heavily on the second and third strikes.

To Spotify again and … ah crap. I briefly fall into existential despair at being a middle-aged, middle-class teacher listening to Led Zeppelin on a shitty bluetooth speaker. While reading The New Yorker, no less. Bass drum? What friggin’ bass drum?

I’m also somewhat chagrined the piece doesn’t mention “Gallows Pole”, which has been my favorite Led Zeppelin song for at least twenty years now. However, I’m a sucker for murder ballads.

Despite that, fun article, doing that New Yorker thing of not quite trying to be cool, and therefore not failing at looking cool, and also trying to not be pretentious, but not quite succeeding.

Possibly paywalled, but I think the New Yorker is one of those sites where going in porn private mode helps. (The “diabolically bad as people” is a far smaller part of the piece than the subtitle would suggest.)


Bonham triplets. My story with Zeppelin begins with a close friend being a drummer. He wore down all his Zeppelin lps playing along with them so he gave the entire set to me (all the albums) so he could get new albums. I spent the next few months discovering what a real treasure he gave me.


According to how many times I’ve played the songs, these are my favorites (though this is based as I listen to music as I sleep every night, and my Led Zeppelin sleepy playlist has gotten a ton of love).

No Quarter
Ramble On
Over the Hills and Far Away
The Rain Song
Ten Years Gone
Fool in the Rain
Going to California
Achilles Last Stand
The Battle of Evermore
The Song Remains the Same


My embedded video no longer works. Here it is again. I still believe this song and especially this live version from the famous concert in '73 is the best of Zeppelin. This shows a bit of backstage talk before the song, the way it’s shown in the movie.