Traditional, old-fashioned oats (oatmeal), not instant/quick

Follow-up: I believe the only rolled oats I’ve bought here recently are the Dr. Oko brand “Organic Large Oat Flakes” (and all these years I thought it was Dr. Ko, but their website tells me otherwise!). I don’t know if they precisely qualify as old-fashioned oats, but they’re closer than the near-powder instant oats I usually see, and they work fine for my purposes. Today I bought them at the Tianmu City Super; I regularly see this brand in the organic section at Carrefours, but today the Tianmu Carrefour didn’t have this particular item.

But again, the shelves are full of oatmeal! I hope that one of those (significantly cheaper) tins is also rolled oats, but I don’t think so. The only way I have to judge is looking at the cooking time (with my bad Chinese), and they all seem to need just stirring with hot water.

To my surprise (and off the topic that I dug up), Dr. Oko apparently also sells steel-cut oats, but they’re out of stock, and I don’t recall ever seeing them in a store.