Traditional, old-fashioned oats (oatmeal), not instant/quick

Follow-up: I believe the only rolled oats I’ve bought here recently are the Dr. Oko brand “Organic Large Oat Flakes” (and all these years I thought it was Dr. Ko, but their website tells me otherwise!). I don’t know if they precisely qualify as old-fashioned oats, but they’re closer than the near-powder instant oats I usually see, and they work fine for my purposes. Today I bought them at the Tianmu City Super; I regularly see this brand in the organic section at Carrefours, but today the Tianmu Carrefour didn’t have this particular item.

But again, the shelves are full of oatmeal! I hope that one of those (significantly cheaper) tins is also rolled oats, but I don’t think so. The only way I have to judge is looking at the cooking time (with my bad Chinese), and they all seem to need just stirring with hot water.

To my surprise (and off the topic that I dug up), Dr. Oko apparently also sells steel-cut oats, but they’re out of stock, and I don’t recall ever seeing them in a store.

Have been using Finish organic oat flakes from Carrefour (not instant).

Huge box with two bags inside. Good price. Usually fresh enough. Do check the expiration date as they seem to get only two batches per year. I freeze mine so not overly concerned if go past the expiration date.


Is that the blue box with a smiling farm maiden on the front? I was looking at that today; good price for sure, but the instructions seemed to say just add hot water, and that put me off. However, my Chinese reading isn’t good.

I’m confused as to why anyone would want to find oatmeal that is neither steel cut (the healthiest kind) nor instant (the most convenient kind). Why would you want the kind that is neither?

As a compromise between the two?

Or flapjacks.

As I said above, mainly for making granola.

Not sure if it’s of any help, but I am usually eating the Quaker Organic oats from Costco:
Packaging says “whole oats”.

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Thanks - yes, that’s definitely helpful. I was looking at their packaging for a long time in Costco the other day. I chose not to buy them because, if I understand the box right, it says cook for three minutes, which seems too fast (e.g. Bob’s Red Mill suggests 10-20 minutes for their rolled oats). Based on this website, these could be quick-cooking rolled oats, which isn’t ideal but is definitely good enough.

When you open them, do they look like, um, a whole bunch of distinct rolled oats? Or are they mixed in with a lot of powder from excessive crushing? For my purposes, what matters is that they’re distinct oats. If they look like the bowl on the box, that that’s good enough.

Can you overnight soak steel cut for Bircher? (genuine question, I’ve never done it).

There is still a bit of powder on the bottom of the packaging - but they mostly look like on the picture as far as I can tell.

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Cool, I’ll give that a try then. Thanks!

Would’ve been from one of those random containers the supermarkets bring in sometimes - just a lucky dip. I am skeptical a supermarket employee here sat down at his desk and actually ordered it. I bet it is not there now if you do locate where you originally found it.

Yes, that is the one I use. I soak in water overnight then use rice cooker for about 10 minutes. I have never tried to just cook without soaking…I doubt just adding hot water would be enough…well, not enough for me anyway.

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The flakes are not all whole…has bits and pieces.

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Since I learned (10 years ago?) that steel-cut oatmeal can be prepared effortlessly in a rice cooker, it’s become my preferred rice-substitute. Close second is the cauliflower rice I can sometimes find frozen in Carrefour.

I’ve been buying Red Mill Steel Cut off of Amazon because of the free shipping to Taiwan - I might pick up an extra bag just to make the minimum US$ 60 threshold for free shipping. I would love to know where I could buy steel-cut oats in Taipei. I am surprised to hear that there is steel-cut oatmeal in Costco

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Huh, I need to dig into Amazon a bit more. I looked at a couple of Bob’s Red Mill products (French lentils, I think? - I used to go through a lot of those, but then iHerb stopped stocking them) and they wouldn’t deliver here, so I assumed the entire brand wasn’t an option. Apparently not!

If you’ve ever seen the Dr Ko brand, then offer 4 cup bags of steel cut oats. Jason’s has it, I’ve seen it in one of the mitsukoshi grocery sections

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Thanks. Wait a minute, free shipping off Amazon. Is that because you are a Prime subscriber?

You don’t need to be a prime member. For many products, if your total order is over USD$60, shipping is free. The catch is it’s not everything. And what’s eligible for free shipping changes. You should see something like this:
Screen Shot 2021-12-16 at 8.24.42 PM

Apparently it’s not Dr. Ko, but rather Dr. Oko, as I learned yesterday when searching for them online - see upthread. That ladybird is actually a letter. Who knew!?

Yeah, I was surprised to see on their website that they sell steel-cut oats, but they’re currently out of stock. I don’t recall seeing their steel-cut oats before, but as I said, quite a few years ago I gave up on looking for those here and ordered via iHerb instead.

That is a lot of oats. Or does the free shipping total accumulate across different eligible products?