TRT in Taiwan (or any help regarding my low testosterone)

I don’t remember exact levels but in the optimal category every time and CT scans are clear.

Early next year I’ll have another complete series of tests, I’m try to post everything if I can remember.

Main things are cholesterol, wbc, protein, and Ph levels. My ph is always too high. Are you on it all the time or in cycles?

All the time, 200mg weekly and 1mg anastrozole every other day.

Do you have kidney problems?

Nope. Also don’t have aromatisaton issues. Bloodwork pretty much every 3 months and it all comes back good except the ph levels. I eat vegan and have my food and exercise plan run past specialists.

Do you split the dosage 2-3 times a week? I’ve booked a consultation and testing as I’m about to turn 30. Just want to see where I’m at.

So why is your pH level off? I thought the kidneys and lungs did that.

And even if you don’t have aromatization issues, the AIs can increase free testosterone.

And why do they check your WBC count so often? RBC production is what is increased by AAS. Donating blood usually solves the issue if it comes up.

Your doc seems weird and it sounds like he’s got a great testing racket going.

No. I know doing a few, or even every day, subcutaneous injections is best. It’s proven to give steadier plasma levels and less aromatization, but the vials are 1cc/200mg and it’s easier to do it once a week. If I had larger, multi-use vials I’d probably do it, but I notice nothing from rising and falling levels at TRT doses.


Auto immune issues. I’ve had viral pneumonia and viral encephalitis. They check my white blood cell count to see if there’s any underlying infection. If I have a lung infection I have to take antibiotics and another steroid injection pretty quick to clear it up.

WBC actually means whole blood count which covers white, red, and plasma levels. I don’t pay much for it. I think it was $100 or $200. And that includes floating T levels, cholesterol, protein, and ph as well as HPTA markers. Sometimes o ask for vitamin d levels as well.

I’m going to guess that you’re on Depo. That’s a long ester. 10 days so on a 7 day cycle there shouldn’t be much issue with your routine. If it was sus 250 then it would be a different matter due to the combo of short and long esters. More old people are demanding sus250 because it makes them more virile. But the downside is the short ester drops off after 3 days.

It’s a pity decadurobolin isn’t available here. For me that would be the best option.

Gotcha, I thought something was amiss for just TRT. I’m taking cypionate, which has an 8 day half life, so weekly is fine.


Thanks for your replies! I think I’m most concern about balls shrinking after years of use. Is it weird to have small balls? And I don’t know anything about aromatase inhibitors. I know about HCG. Can you do HCG long term? I’m pushing 50 and eventually I’ll be doing TRT but I would like to wait as long as possible, maybe wait until I turn 55. It’s just the feeling of being on TRT that I do miss.

If you’ve already got low testosterone then you probably already have small balls. In any case that’s not what happens. Maybe you should just go talk to a doctor and get some blood work done so you can find out for sure. If you have low test then going on TRT is a normal treatment and relatively cheap while living in Taiwan.

Here is Frank Zane talking about TRT.

Test levels of 560 at 75. Naturally he says.

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Thanks @BigDave for sharing.
I eat well, mostly, meat and rice. At night I eat a piece of dragon fruit. I get some good fats with pork.
I rarely eat dairy as I’m allegoric to it. I stay away from wheat as it’s easy to over eat those carbs. My carb come mostly from rice and vegetables.
• Kimichi- for gut health. Bone broth- Amazing for strength and sleep. Liver- I don’t do it every week but liver is really good for the thyroid.
Cheat days: Of course I have a few meals that I eat what I want. On Saturdays its popcorn at the movies or a scone at Starbucks. Sunday nights I’ll eat a burger or something like that.
• I lift heavy 3 times a week. If I lift lighter weights I add 2 sets.
• Sleep- My sleep quality is good, due to the fact that I go to bed and get up at the same time. I do sleep better when I have some bone broth. Maca seems to help sleep as well. I don’t do caffeine after 9:30AM.
• walking- Walking is my primary source of exercise beyond lifting. I walk 8000-10000 steps a day 4 days a week. On the weekends that can be 0-20,000.
Since I’ve began walking more and lifting heavier, I notice I lost some weight.
• Supplements- I do Ginseng and Maca on and off. I would like to take Tong Gat Ali and Ginko but you have to order them online. I’d like to do a protein powder but many have fake sugars in them which I’m allergic to. If I could find a quality whey protein in TW I would try it.
• Stress: I think it would be helpful to incorporate meditation or get back to doing yoga to help me relax.
• Meds- I’m on zero medications. I was taking thyroid meds but they make me gain weight.
Take aways: Losing a few pounds have help with energy levels. I have to watch my carb intake. Lifting heavier has helped build a little more muscle as well as help concentration. My diet isn’t perfect but I can do it long term.


Hey i can use some more help on this… how did you go to the pharmacy and ask? Did you go to a dr before and he wrote you a script? I just picked up 12 non reusable vials from a clinic 200mg/ml with no oil. 15,000nt… i think i was just fucked hard. Text me on my Line, cmacho116

How did you get a prescription for that? Can you link the dr?

Hey don, whered did you go to get your prescription. I got majorly ripped off at a clinic. 200mg/ml of test c for 15,000nt for a 5 month supply. Need some advice

What clinic or hospital did you go? I need another dr to talk to. The clinic i went to charged me 15,000 for a 5 month supply. Add me on line cmacho116

Did you get anymore information ?? I am interested in that OTC part

What was the dose? 200ml a week should be about $500. So $11,000 for 5 months plus aromatase inhibitors if you’re taking them and blood tests would come to $15,000.

Im only taking 125mg/week EOD injections. The test was a separate charge… so in all i spent about 20,000.