TRT in Taiwan (or any help regarding my low testosterone)

Actually daily subcutaneous injections of cypionate are proven to provide the must steady levels.

It would be a serious PitA though

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Ask the doc for 200mg cypionate a week and 1mg anastrozole every other day.

200mg, too much. you’re heading into steroid territory. do not do what Wong said. period.

No, cycles begin at 400mg/wk.

I’m going to go to an endo soon, about to turn 30. Might go on TRT if it’s on the lower end.

no they don’t. The average adult male produces 6 mg. of testosterone per day. That is 42 mg. per week. The normal production range is from 5 to 10 mg. per day. Even at the highest production level, we’re only talking about 70 mg. a week. A replacement dose should therefore fall between 40 and 70 mg. a week. Up to roughly 90 mg. would still be within the realm of normalcy. How much an individual man would need, though, depends on many factors, including levels of steroid hormone binding globulin (SHBG), albumin, and aromatase, but by and large, the ranges listed apply to the vast majority of men. My friend a retired bodybuilder is 46, is able to maintain roughly 80+% of his muscle mass from major cycles using 100-150mg a week for his TRT because his natural test production is DONE.

The issue is that many men have cajoled their doctors into giving them 200-300 mg. a week, and that’s actually a mild steroid cycle and not testosterone replacement therapy.

keep fooling yourselves that it’s “TRT”

The most absurd part about TRT is that most people are actually doing just that, steroid cycles. I sure as hell hope you guys pinning anything over 100-150mg a week are actually working out. I know a few pinning 300mg “because it’s TRT” and not even working out. :man_facepalming:

as I said before, you can potentially shut your natural hormone production off by doing this shit, and you’ll be pinning your ass checks for the rest of your life.


That’s why it’s called T"REPLACEMENT"T. Of course you will pin the rest of your life, and 200mg a week will still keep you in the normal range. Maybe top 5% of that range, but why go for mediocre when anything under 400mg/wk has proven to be safe long term. I’ve been on 200mg/wk for fifteen years and all my blood work and health markers are perfect, even in the 20-year-old range. I do work out five times a week though. Maybe we should start a thread about daily/weekly fitness.

you do realize you are juicing right? Your health markers and cholestrol probably fine for you, but not everybody reacts the same.

Your friend would recognize it as a cruise dose.

yeah sure, but I don’t think 400mg has been proven to be safe at all for extended amounts of time. I’d love to read the study on that if you got it. I just don’t think most humans can handle that for too long before their organs start to shatter.

I’ll try to find it tomorrow. I just see the one that older men start getting prostrate problems over 300mg, but they probably aren’t getting aromatase inhibitors.

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Not sure where you are but it’s a pretty simple process. Go to your regular little clinic doctor and ask them if they can get testosterone replacement. It should cost about $500nt per weekly injection. You will need to get blood tests before and during. Especially as you already say you’ve had thyroid issues. If you have any adverse or unwelcome reactions then you’ll be able to discuss aromatase inhibitors like tamoxifen to prevent conversion to estrogen and the growing of bitch tits. But if you have low testosterone levels before you start then be prepared for this to be a lifelong project. You will need to eat very clean food. Basically no meat and low oil (the test shot is in oil so there’s that) and eating plant fats for good cholesterol.

Message me for more info if you want.

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400mg is about the average for low dose juicing. The regular is about 600mg per week. The difference is whether you’re taking a short or long ester program. And the supervision of what you’re doing. The one that the “old men” take here in Taiwan is produced by Pfizer. Top level athletes that use are usually taking way higher doses. My doctor did the math for me and it worked out to be as much as 1400mg a week with 3 different types. A weekly injection. A long ester twice a week. And a short ester every other day. The cost was too much even on the health insurance (which covers this). Training was three times a day 6 days a week and eating schedule was insane.

I suggest you find a better doctor, 1400mg…what in the fuck is your doctor smoking? I never been on T R T…but that doctor probably isn’t even a doctor. is this Taiwanese? wtf

That’s about the amount any top level athlete that is doping is using. He was a well known doctor in Taiwan. I don’t really want to say any more than that. Again it all comes down to your initial levels of fitness, your diet (probably the most important thing) and your training regime. And no that’s not for bodybuilding. That’s for something like elite level cycling or swimming or top level physical sports like football (rugby or gridiron type thing) for an off season cycle.

Bodybuilding cycles are very technical these days and include things like insulin injections combined with diet and roids and timing to get the most muscle growth through tear and repair rather than through water retention and dehydration (to highlight striated muscle form).

Lance Armstrong was doing testosterone like it was going out of fashion for years.

Never did him any harm.

Oh, wait…

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He was doing a lot more than that.

It’s a quality of life issue. I’m doing TRT and HGH until I die. I don’t want to fall apart after 60.

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How old are you now? What age did you start?

Closing in on 50, started in mid thirties.

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What’s your cholesterol like? Mines usually around 20 at a 60/40 split for HDL to LDL.