Trump has Covid-19

FTFY. Articles are important in English. No no no. Not articles from openly biased sites. Grammatical articles.

In fact… You could also say:

Just tryin to help :wink:

English 101 with @Marco

But his memory was shot, at least in the eyes of Winston. He did beat around the bush when talking about the quality of life before and after the party though.

Wonder what else they’re hiding…

A top White House security official, Crede Bailey, is gravely ill with COVID-19 and has been hospitalized since September, Bloomberg News reported on Wednesday, citing four people familiar with his condition.

I take Winston as an unreliable narrator as far as guessing what’s going on in the heads of others.

People only remember what they were paying attention to at the time. There are things you can never, ever forget - unless you never really noticed them to begin with, in which case there’s nothing to forget. That’s how memory works.

Try talking to a dull or self-absorbed person about current events and you’ll see what I mean. He won’t even know the propaganda or conventional wisdom.

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I knew a really cool guy who died young in a skydiving accident. I have a feeling his last thought as he plummeted to his death was “worth it.”

I might not go that far myself, but he had a better life in my view than the old lady.

Me, I’m exploring the vast middle ground.

“Oh shit” gets my vote.

She’s so disappointed you feel that way.

You spend half your life on Forumosa arguing in every political thread, but okay.


She’s metabolically inert now. A subtle difference, but it rates a grave and a headstone.

I miss the skydiver. His dad jokes were corny, but I forgave him that.

His wife was an exotic dancer.

Everything he knew about World War II was from the movies. Everything the old biddy knew about World War II was: “something about Jappa Knee. They look just like thuh Choy Knee, but they’re bad.”

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Old biddy?

Maybe when you emerge from the “vast middle ground” you’re exploring, you’ll have more perspective and be a little less judgmental.

Personally, I find the comments by @rowland to be refreshing and thought-provoking without pushing us to “prove me wrong” as some are prone to do.

I am non-partisan, but lean libertarian. Full disclosure.

I wish Trump Godspeed in his recovery.

  1. May his recovery give additional funding to research into the treatments that he received.
  2. May be serve his duly elected term on the mandate be was given.
  3. May the (highly probable) voter fraud predicted by some wise observers be thwarted. The people’s voice should be heard.
  4. May this experience help to illustrate which of the nominees is best fit to serve. Personally, I can’t believe Biden would be mentally fit to serve, but it was the VP pick all along, right?
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Sure. Any extra money thrown at the problem helps.

Ignoring your obvious weird spelling mistakes, 46.1% of the vote is not a mandate. Especially not when your opponent receives more votes.

“Highly probable” is laughably false. On the “people’s voice,” see point 2.

The incumbent in this election has proven at every step that he is unfit to serve or lead in any capacity. While his opponent is not the strongest candidate, he is the better candidate.


The Constitution is a mandate.

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I was feeling unwell. I always double check my spelling and almost never post on political issues. P.S. I use a cellphone keyboard for swift typing, and be/he is a common error on this device. “b” and “h” also look similar to these tired overworked eyes.

In terms of the content of my post (opinion), honestly, I just think another conservative judge will prevent the Supreme Court from getting out of hand. The Democrats in contention are, for the most part, leaning so far to the left that they are in danger of fallling out of their highchair.

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And how is that exactly?

Good info, could have used it a little earlier

Jumping the gun:

Note: this is a whole story, not just a headline. They actually made up an entire news story in case they could use it later.

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Is this a paper of worth? Never heard of it.

well, they’ve got a Deadline to meet, ba-dum tsshh

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The group’s website includes references to scripture and counts as its primary “concerns and goals” issues like; “protecting the unborn from abortion, fetal tissue experimentation, and embryonic research”;