Trump has Covid-19

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In that movie, the young whippersnapper is the boomer. :rofl:

I suppose it’s an accomplishment. But… not a riveting story to tell younguns.

She depressed me. I went in, thinking: an eyewitness to 98 years of history. The things she must have seen and done! And… nope.

It wasn’t that her memory was going. She remembered the pettiest details about flowers and stuff. It was like that bit in 1984 when Winston talks to an old guy in the bar. She had paid as much attention to all that history as Forrest Gump.

And she hadn’t done nearly as much as Forrest Gump.

And that’s why I can’t respect anyone who takes cheap shots at The Donald. Say what you will, he’s living life to the fullest. He’s the American Zorba.

Mediocrities and timid souls envy him.

Anyone can live their life to the fullest with a billion dollars :roll:

The rest of us have bills to pay.

My Gran died at 103. She had a great sense of family, but not so much worldliness. I pestered her about history, the depressions etc and really all it earned me was a family reputation of being arrogant. :roll_eyes:

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He takes cheap shots at others ALL the time and he’s in a position of power. You respect that?

Living life to the fullest is great. He should do that. But that does not qualifying him to be president. Should go back to being a TV show host, a beauty pageant organizer, and marketing genius, whatever. Just please, leave the WH and live to the fullest elsewhere.


If you want to respect people’s opinions, doesn’t that include rowland’s? Just because his words don’t hit your earholes all pretty like…so what? If he’s not a sociopath, I honestly don’t care what he thinks about stuff or people.

What makes you think I don’t respect Rowlands opinions?

It was a general statement. All lives matter sorta thing. Not an accusation. bao chien :bowing:

Well, just for the record, I respect everyone’s opinion, unless it’s personal attacks. We all have different points of views. And that’s a good thing. Imagine everyone would think the same. Diversity makes strong.

No it doesn’t! :wink:

Sometimes it does

Most times it does. I think marrying someone from a place entirely different from your own helps open one’s eyes as well…hey…where’s Trump’s wife from? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It’s a conspiracy to spread Communism!


I don’t like Trump. For me, it starts with the fact that I think he’s an abrasive, arrogant person. At the same time, I accept that he is the president, feel the office inherently commands a certain level of respect, believe in the Golden Rule even when it comes to people I don’t like, and think way too many people waste time on the less substantive criticisms of him.

All this said, your comment is so cringe. I don’t know if you’re turned on by Trump’s wealth or his willingness to do whatever he wants regardless of “the rules”/social norms, but the reality is that you and I really have no idea if he’s a happy, fulfilled person who is “living life to the fullest”.

My own totally subjective impression is that Trump is an insecure person driven to outwardly prove that he’s bigger and better. Doesn’t exactly jive with happiness and living a life that’s true to oneself in my personal experience.


Wow, she’s certainly had it both ways.

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He certainly chose her to get exposed to foreign culture and broaden his horizon. Some people like to get exposed to stuff… you know.

He’s pumped up with meds as a ‘Michelin Man’.

I once knew a guy, who ‘lived’ to the age of 40, I knew how he had lived his live. He died young.

Seeing the hilly land?