Trump Indicted! 2023

To control the happiness and mostly peaceful celebrations?

I agree, it needs to be legitimate. This is a time that will kind of define the democrats. they already come across as sleazy, but if the trial is fair and legitimate, they can come out on top. regardless of trumps outcomes.

chen was the same sure. and the chinese made him pay, that is true as well.

however, in these sorts of matters (ie. not national security related) they should not have immunity when out of office. let them be punished by the laws they themselves are sworn to uphold. if guilty, I hope they see time. if they dont, they have no right handing out time to the general public for like crimes or offenses.

hypocrisy is unacceptable.

I feel like the democrats would have been better off if they never mentioned Trump again after 2020. They’ve given him a lot of fuel to stay relevant when it was looking like he was loosing his relevancy


They’ve already been defined, and found to be completely lacking in any kind of moral compass. Pure lust for power and not much else.

He’s probably not going to be loose for long.


If the law is applied fairly the judge, prosecutor and jury would all go to jail. People commit 3 felonies a day.

Yup. but they are still here. so this can help regain ground. it is a great opportunity for bridge building. not that I think they will do that. just saying, low hanging .fruit on this one.

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There are alot of people/companies stiffed by Trump in the business world who are probably happy to see Trump possibly facing some direct punishment. I remember seeing a program where they interviewed several contractors who worked on the Trump casino. After they finished the contracted job Trump organization told them they would only receive half of the billed amount. That was their standard practice when dealing with contractors. Seems the Atlantic City contractors did not do their homework to see how Trump operated in New York. Several contractors went out of business as too small to last the years of lawyer expenses bringing Trump organization to court.


Yea honestly Trump should hang, and his assets and stuff seized by the state to reimburse all the contractors his organization stiffed.

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Dude, what fucking felonies do I commit every day?

Name them or seriously, stfu or just stay in your lane, make guitars and lose weight. Jesus the stuff that comes out of you is filterless. Here’s a good strategy: ask yourself “should I post this” after typing.



It’s a book written by a lawyer to show just how fucked up Federal criminal laws are, that it’s so far removed from English common law that people do in fact commit three felonies a day if you only count statutes violated each day, not actual prosecution (there wouldn’t be enough resources to do so, and you’d have to lock up the officers and prosecutors at the end of the day too because they too have committed felonies too).

Examples? Not necessarily applicable to your life but you ever taken a sick day and lied about the reasons? Like you called into work saying you’re not feeling well but it’s because you wanted to go to a football game? A very common reason people take fake sick days. Guess what? It’s a felony because you stiffed your employer by calling in sick when you are not actually sick. And damn near everyone except for the most ADHD/Aspie workers do this from time to time.

Discovered pot in your son’s bag, in a state where pot is illegal, and decided to flush it down the toilet? You just committed obstruction of justice, a felony. Unbeknownst to you your son was under investigation by the DEA or whatever state’s investigative arm is, and your destruction of evidence torpedoed the prosecution. Lots of people do this, no parents wants their kid to go to jail.

And these aren’t hypothetical cases, they’re real cases that have been prosecuted.



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Yea I don’t know. Someone asked what if they applied the law fairly and equally. The truth is we’d all go to jail including the officers. The actual truth is the law isn’t applied fairly and equally, it is applied selectively and often at a certain demographics. There always have to be a black sheep no matter what.

And Assistant US Attorneys have Bill of Attainder power in all but name by the way. They can keep charging you with whatever crimes they find plausible if they want to.

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Then why go out of one’s way to break laws? Trump shouldn’t have shuffled money to pay off his hooker and you shouldn’t have done what you did.

Period. You both tried to get away with something. And you both got caught.

Where’s the injustice in that? In all the innocent people you speak of who get railroaded or the idea that anyone could be railroaded? Why is it that the rule breakers claim to be such stand up guys who got caught doing what “everyone does?”

Again, absurd.

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When the Repubs get back the executive and parts of the legislative (they already have the judicial), I hope they go after Hunter. Judicial overreach…they tried to get John Edwards on it and failed and he was 100X more blatent was he not?

I cannot imagine that committee won’t go into hyper overdrive after this.

Because you have the idea in your head that anyone who got arrested or busted tried to get away with something. This is confirmation bias, and it runs deep in the justice system.

In your mind, nobody who were arrested is innocent, and that the police are always careful and never makes any mistake, and so conviction rate shouldn’t be 99.9%, it should be exactly 100%.

And so defense attorneys are a waste of money and time and resource, that all convictions should be summary and even done with Bill of Attainder. Basically, don’t want to get arrested? Don’t break any laws (assuming that you know what they are).

And by that reasoning, General Washington was a traitor and should be hung as such.

When was the last time a successful businessman was president? Jimmy Carter?

Washington? Jefferson?

I was just suggesting that “intellect” is a pretty useless attribute for a President if it’s of the pen-pushing variety. The US has a particular problem with lawyers going into politics (and becoming president).


Assuming you’re not counting Trump. I think Herbert Hoover before him. Truman was not very successful.

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