I think it is about time now to open this topic since it is becoming clearer by the day/hour/minute who is trying to steal the election.
I hereby openly accuse the republicans and especially sitting duck Trump preparing to steal the election 2020!
This has been apparent to everyone with an actual working brain since the day after the election. I’m hopeful he won’t succeed, but he has so many enablers in elected office and now that the courts keep shooting down all his suits he is trying to bribe state legislators. Even if he doesn’t overturn the election, the damage done to democratic norms and the integrity of our electoral system will last generations. Even Trump knows he won’t succeed. This is pure petty revenge from the biggest sociopath to ever occupy the Oval Office.
Meanwhile, 2,000 Americans die a day from COVID.
So declarative!
And who are you again?
Hard to say! Maybe states and Congress will start shoring up some of the weak points.
Yeah, that’s where I’m at as well. That and count the votes that legally should be counted. Stop bending the rules. I am a victim of bleeding oil from his head Rudy’s presser yesterday, but, and this is an aunt sized but, if half of what he says happened happened, there’s some tweaking to be done.
I have no idea what he said and would be surprised if 1% of it happened, but there does seem to be some things that could be done.
Unprecedented interference in an election by a sitting (golfing) president
He apparently has sworn affidavits from dozens of people citing irregularities. Then, he has what could only be a RICO type thing of ten dem cities who miraculously mind melded on election night. It was a two hour presser, and I was VERY uncomfortable watching it. But ok, separation of powers. Let’s see what the blackrobes have to say.
Many blackrobes have already had a lot to say. There’s been three dozen suits and Team Trump has only won (very minor) one. The judges in some of these cases scold Rudy and other Trump lawyers for not presenting a coherent case or filing a frivolous lawsuit. And yes, many are Trump appointments.
How is what he’s doing interference do you think?
I see a lot of checking the legality of the votes cast and some irregular counting by individual counters. And then there’s the whole Dominion machine thing…which is pretty frightening.
It’s almost like the Trump team knew how the Dems would cheat and looked for specific things and found them. Hardly interference.
but I’d like to hear your opinion and reasoning, fumarole.
Imagine having two weeks to get something like this together.
I know. Crazy isn’t it.
Well if they knew, they sure as hell didn’t do a very good job of collecting evidence that is irrefutable.
We’re in the bottom of the 9th and all Trump is giving the public is a leaky Rudy Giuliani.
We shall see. Most of the affidavits were not read at the presser.
And did nothing to prevent it or raise any alarms for 4 years?
I was thinking only of the election cycle. And did you not hear Trump screaming all summer about the clustef8ck mail in votes would create? I did.
The only “clusterfuck” was him convincing his base not to mail-in-vote and then being shocked when it predictably turns out they’re mostly Democratic as a direct result. In fact, it probably cost him Georgia according to the Republican Secretary of State.
I think it was his plan all along to tell his base not to use mail-in-vote and then disqualify mail-in-votes from being counted.
So they came up with this specific pathway Dems would cheat during the election cycle starting when? But Trump instead just bleated to everyone about mail-in votes instead of acting to stop this massive fraud that was going to happen and deliver states to Biden by razor thin margins? Only deciding to come out racing around in a panic after it happened and is basically too late to stop? If this was Hollywood script they would laugh you off and tell you no one would ever believe it!
Well, he is a stable genius.
If that is the case (and I’d be surprised if it was), wouldn’t the sensible thing for the administration to do have been spending the months prior to the election, when the effects of the pandemic were already readily apparent, doing whatever was necessary to improve the existing systems to ensure a secure election?
Why didn’t the Trump administration do that, do you think? Rather than just complaining that the current systems were inherently insecure and doing nothing to change that, then claiming after the election that the unfavorable results correspond to fraud.