Trying to understand what's important to Taiwanese men

Yes. Taiwanese people like rice. I like rice and so does every Taiwanese person I know. It’s not far fetch to assume Taiwanese people to like to eat rice.

Some Taiwanese prefer noodles. :wink:


I like both!

Don’t be a walking stereotype, man. :grin:


I sometimes eat them together! Korean Jia Jiang noodles with both is great!

Sounds like a lot of starch. But what would I know? I’m just a Westerner who goes around eating bread and drinking milk all day.

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Unless the individuals in the discussion are able to move on from their comfortable pigeon-holing of others they will be forever confined by this narrow way of assessing human interaction.

‘So what?’, you might say. ‘Who cares?’

And that’s a fair point. But why would humans have a million nuanced characteristics if they’re simply ignored in the rush to define them as ‘babies’ ‘assholes’ or ‘rice lovers’?

I don’t know Andrew but I already know he’s much more than a rice lover. He likes noodles too. And sometimes eats rice and noodles together. Already a picture is starting to form, of an individual not a stereotype.

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You’re taking all this way too seriously. :roll: I just wanted to get Creepyboy90 to fuck out of my thread.

Nah he’s right that guy is seemingly intelligent but has a bad habit of stereotyping, so do others in this thread.
Stereotyping too much is not intelligent behaviour .

I’m Gen 1.5 Taiwanese-american. Like the majority of ABT kids, my parents went to the states for graduate school.

I bet my status can carry me far among Taiwanese girls. Was just never into them.

wait…was that when @Rocket first showed up?

How does that work :joy:
Still growing up ? :sunglasses:

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Is that not a stereotype because you used the word culture?

Means I came to the states as a little kid with my parents. So not 1, not 2.

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Is one of your parents American?

They’re both naturalized now.
What I mean is I’m not first generation because my parents came with me.

I’m not second generation either, because I’m the first generation to grow up in the states.

But you only grew up in the states for 1.5 years. There must be some kind of American cultural input to be Taiwanese-American, mustn’t there? I would never refer to myself as Anglo-Irish.

I don’t know if you’re joking or not.

I think it’s fitting to provide an update to this whole situation.

I basically told this guy that what he did disgusted me and I didn’t want anything to do with it. Then I blocked him and all that, got over it.

I thought about reaching out to his girlfriend, because if it were me I’d want to know, but ultimately I chose not to rat him out. I just didn’t want that level of involvement, plus I didn’t know if she was gonna be crazy or stupid enough to try to take it out on the messenger. Besides all that, I figured his misdeeds would come around to him eventually.

Well, it did. More recently I learned that his girlfriend finally caught on to what he was doing and dumped him. And it’s looking like she’s dropped him for good.

I guess the moral of the story is: you cheat enough times, you’re bound to get caught. So don’t do that shit unless you’re ready to lose it all. Dumbass!


Whatever makes you think I’m taking this seriously? Perhaps I simply found a silly thread and decided to enter into the spirit of pointless discussion on a mind-numbing subject.

Such activities can be fun…