Tucker Carlson

Soon Xvideos is just going to be the word for Twitter videos. One of these sites is going to need to rebrand, shots gonna get confusing.

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Better than X-rated Tucker? But seriously, changing Twitter to X is still a baffling decision.


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Interesting interview with Viktor Orban, never hurts to get an alternate perspective.


I don’t think anyone can accurately predict how a war - any war - is likely to go, but Orban always comes across a switched-on sort of guy, and since Hungary is next door to Ukraine he obviously has a vested interest in trying to stop whatever the hell is going on there. I have no idea why the Left is so obsessed with trying to paint him as literally Hitler.

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8:55 AM ¡ Aug 24, 2023


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Because he’s diametrically opposed to the left’s agenda.

Is it best described as the lefts agenda or the Wests agenda?

Was just reading an article that suggests the US, or the West more collectively might have been behind the power change in Pakistan.



Now let’s ponder about the potential of a percentage of these “263.4M views” being completely fictitious. X (formerly known as Twitter :clown_face:) undoubtedly has shit-tier infrastructure in place for preventing fraudulent viewcount spikes from bots…you can thank an overworked skeleton crew for that - at least that’s one reason anyway.

Heretical, wretched thought, the idea that Ol’ Tuck has some primped up numbers here. Even if the theory is true though, would people care?

Look at all of the dinguses that still somehow think Trump is/was a billionaire, for instance. Obviously pumping the numbers works on this demographic, it has worked before! #oneweirdtrick

I read that article twice but seem to have missed it - what’s the supposed evidence that indicates the US pushed for removing Khan?

Twitter only displays views of the tweet. There are no statistics displayed for views of the video.
There is a workaround with an old Twitter client. And there one can see that the video views are a small fraction of tweet views.


Thanks for the specific insight. Do you mind screenshotting the actual view total, or directing us how to use this workaround?


Well, it wouldn’t exactly be the first time they’d done something like that. How many governments has the CIA brought down now? I mean documented/admitted? Maybe half a dozen? Plus some less successful attempts (a lot more than a dozen).

As for the posters claiming this is all fake news, well, might be. However the US gov’t is not exactly likely to put out a press release explaining how and why Pakistan’s government was removed, are they? Best we can do here is put together some circumstantial evidence and say “hmmm, that looks a bit odd” and file it away with all the other instances when something odd has happened and some US actor has been mysteriously in the vicinity, or discussing the possibility of said event mysteriously happening cough Nordstream cough

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See the above post by @finley. We are all getting used to this kind of behavior from the US and the West.

I remember Khan pushing back against Western pressure to take sides and his “fuck you” moment, I remember thinking that was brave and wondering what will happen to him next. Five minutes later hes out of power, new guys doing the Wests bidding, you can’t blame people for suspecting the US and the West were behind it, its what they do.

So no evidence. cool.

Sure, people can think what they want. But we all agree the “new evidence” is click bait with no new evidence even claimed, right?

This is hardly the first time a government or leader in Pakistan has been replaced, were they all the US?

What about all the other countries that have remained neutral, have they all had similar replacements?

Or is Pakistan particularly important? Have they been sending money or weapons or soldiers to Ukraine?

talked about it a bit here:

There’s lots of reasons we’d like to maintain our influence there. It could bear some consideration and looking into.


You neither seem to understand what constitutes evidence nor it seems understand when an entity builds a certian MO, that is a form of evidence.

We are all getting very used to the West regime change, color revolution and so on. I doubt you have even commented about the 2014 one in Ukraine.

I’m not opposed to this, it’s the drawing of concrete conclusions on flimsy evidence which I question

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