Turns out you should totally eat the egg shells

Systematically rotted goop?

Pee! They are called Pee DĂ n.

You were joking but there is actually a real pee dan. They barely even have much benefit, decreasing body heat? try taking your jacket off. These guys are just eating them for the hell of it.

Not the same, these are just tea eggs.

i guess you missed the part of the video where they talked about collecting piss from schools then… or that boiling vat of piss at the end.

um … maybe your salad veg are grown traditionally, in “night soil”?

I love meat, so i’m fine with it. It keeps me full in a way that carbs or vegetables can’t which is a plus for me because I get hungry every hour if I eat a a bunch of carbs. I’m not very strict with mine since I don’t have health issues that restrict me to only meat, so I throw in some vegetables as well for mix it up.

It’s nice since it keeps me lean without much thought, and I can also pack on enough muscle or maintain lean mass on it. It’s getting harder and harder to not get fat as I approach 30, now I have to put a bit of effort. This is the easiest way I’ve found. Plus I have way more energy without carbs, I always want to nap after lunch or dinner if I eat a high carb meal.


Could be. I think it’s the water content. I could have a salad now and I’d be shitting through the eye of a needle within an hour.

That’s an oxymoron, you either have energy or you want to sleep.

I mean without

One of the great benefits of reducing carbs: feeling less hungry. There’s a reason why like my colleagues start eating cookies or ordering milk tea in the afternoon. Now that I feel less hungry I can prepare a proper meal when l get back home and not first go to the Simple Mart downstairs and buy ice cream or cookies to stop the craving

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It’s magic, innit? :slight_smile: I can (and usually do) go all day with just a modest breakfast, even if I’m doing heavy manual work. Lunch is for losers.

I used to be the “ambassador” for a low-carb group on a well-known health website. One recurring issue was this: people would drop in and argue endlessly about why low-carb is a terrible idea, quoting this webpage and that “expert” explaining why it’s terrible. Just giving it a try in order to answer the objections was not an option for them. Eventually, some of them would get a little bit curious and try it, and when they finally did dip their toes in the water, they’d be like “damn, this is awesome, why didn’t I do this earlier?”

How do you eat a low-carb diet without meat, though, assuming you don’t eat meat? I am not a big fan of browsing the meat section of the supermarket, but I always end up buying some for some diversity.

Funnily enough we had a lot of vegetarians on that site. As long as you have some source of dietary fat, you’re sorted. It doesn’t have to be meat fat. Eggs, cream, butter, coconut oil …


Tofu and leafy vegetables?

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Sometimes my ass xD

Video or it didn’t happen.

That’s not because of lack of energy. I recall reading that for digesting rice or pasta or big amounts of carbohydrates the stomach needs more energy than for other foods.

Arnold still does it in his protein shake. Raw eggs with shells.


The calcium is why they can be good to add to soil for some plants. I think I’ll stick to the quantity in my multivitamin and dairy products as far as my body goes.

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