TW fishing boat attacked close to the Philippines, Part II

what do I need to do to own a armed fleet that can be hired by fishing boats? … 2F3c-21-3D

actual video of the shooting released

Remember parts of the video are missing. And members of the Phil Coast Guard are being brought to court on that as well. … id=2275287

Taiwan lifts sanctions against Philippines. A bit prematurely some may say. But no doubt a lot has to do with all the thousands of philippino workers who are up for visa renewal who are being affected. As well as the thousands more waiting to go to Taiwan who are half way through their applications.

Also Taiwan is realizing that they need these workers too. Will be hard to replace english speaking workers who can work for minimum wage and be productive as Phil workers. They were looking into Sri Lanka, India, etc.

But TAiwan would rather have the Philippinos now that the spat is over.

philippines govt finally apologized cuz they realize they need taiwan more. so most important thing is that TAIWAN WON!!! TAIWAN DIDNT LOSE FACE!! PHILIPPINES DID!! WOOT-WOOT!! :yay:

I think the resolution is a Win/Win for both. The CG crew were not in compliance with Phil law.
Nobody lost face. The situation was resolved with dignity on both sides.

Just glad it is over. I am really interested to know what internal struggles went on in the Philippines during the two months delay. There must have been a lot of push backs regarding the homicide charges.

It would have been brushed under the rug, without the insistence of the TW govt. However, they better be found guilty or else !

Contest of governmental integrity and morality
Contender A: Philippines government in the event of Philippine Coast Guard killing fishing boat Captain Hung
Contender B: Republic of China government in the event of Corporal Hung’s tortured death in the military

Open data: Philippine won (Philippines show video record to the public and ROC erased critical 80 minutes of video record)
Prioritization of justice over nationalism: Philippine won (obviously)
Sovereign integrity: Philippine won (obviously)

Hats off to Philippines judicial system, an honest one. Thumbs down to ROC military judicial system, a deceitful one.

Judge of contest:

Your point is pointless printless.

Its like choosing beef steak over whether to have a sundae or a banana split.

Erasure of the tape was not done by the govt itself but by people who were serving in the PHil CG and the TW military. It was not officially condoned.

There’s no doubt there are guilty parties in the HUNG case, that is why President Ma is involved and Defense Ministers are resigning.

And 300,000 people protested over abuse in the military , which this case very much highlights and showcases.

Heads should roll in the HUNG case. The person who orchestrated this should serve life in prison in my opinion.

But lets keep this topic to the topic at hand shall we?

Its not the same situ, DUH…

I enjoy doing that comparison so do many other Taiwanese. Besides, I try to deliver a message to Filipinos: you guys have a morally superior president to ROC’s.


i am not so sure.

first of all, the whole thing is a tragedy where even the best case all we get is justice, guaranteed peace in the future, and lose some room to legally fish (yeah, don’t bet on the fishery talks giving Taiwan unlimited fishing rights in EEZ closer to the Philippines).

second of all, for some reason the transcripts of this new “official” apology reads a lot like the first apology. All that’s change is now Perez represents the Philippine government instead of just representing the president’s personal behalf. The Philippines don’t think that shooting over 100 rounds at a fiber glass fishing boat at high speed constitutes as murder. Worst of all, in the end those personnels might not be guilty.

By the way, the Philippine government didn’t release the video, it was released by Pingdong DA, and the footage looks like someone recorded it on a cell phone.

Arrr, pulled up from the depths.

Funny how now they want to talk after the US walked around the PI kicking the tires.

Marcos Jr. is a CCP pawn.

Is that why he just gave the US 4 bases?

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Think the PI doesn’t want a misunderstanding to result in a scuffle