Typhoons 2019?

Rich people buy dried instant noodles? Oh wait, that’s how you get rich!

IbisWTF, I am disappointed. There is a typhoon spinning up and you haven’t mentioned it.

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And I was pretty disappointed with the previous typhoon, so I hope this one makes up for it.

My gf asked me if a typhoon was coming and i told her to wait for IbisWtf. Her friends want to know too.



Windy prediction.


That looks close enough but bad timing.

Edit: and too much in the south

Han Kuo Yu better hope nothing bad happens, or else I think he’s finished.

Yeah, I was like, there can’t be a typhoon coming, @IbisWtf didn’t say anything.




Could be fun, but the current forecast is very mild. Direction varies a lot depending on the model used. Models that correctly forecast Krosa are the ones that show this spinning thing passing over Taiwan.

988mb = lmao, but forecast could improve.

For anyone whose friends and relatives are waiting for an official appearance of HAPPENING gifs…as a wise man once said:“Being unprepared for a catastrophic event is more acceptable than being disappointed by it”, so better wait a day or two.

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And I was about to create a new thread “Get well @IbisWtf




With @IbisWtf’s permission, I can change his title to Senior Weather Correspondent. :wink:

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or “lazy old git”.


See, that’s what happens when my cat walks on the keyboard

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Is there a word count limit for the title?

I don’t know. It doesn’t say.

camping in hsinchu area on Saturday would be a no no?

If 4 words are possible:“Make Yilan Great Again”. If not,my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero, so why not? (based on current forecast I’d not spend Saturday night out in the woods, but camping during the day should be fine).

Unnecessary update

Models are split between:

a) Landfall in Taiwan then moves to China
b) Comes close to Taiwan then turns North in direction of Japan/South Korea
c) Disappears before coming close to Taiwan

Thanks to all the super-computers worth several gorillions of dollars that run these weather simulations, as well as to the people who created those models. It’s because of them that we don’t need to worry about this storm disappearing from radars and teleporting on top of Sun Moon lake. That scenario has been ruled out.

Get a dog!