UBike - New Rules for Foreigners?


Unbelievable bullshit answer.


I’ve had great results from contacting the NIA on similar issues in the past. They ran a program a few years ago to proactively asking foreign residents to report places/websites which would not accept ARC numbers. If the youbike program is still run by the government they will absolutely take up the issue.


I am beyond pissed at this news. I use Youbike multiple times every day. I chose to move into the apartment I live in now because, despite it not being close to MRT, its close to a youbike station. What in the actual fuck. Luckily I have a card already but now im extremely paranoid im gonna lose it


I tested out adding cards to my existing account. It still works.


There’s no malice involved. It’s a symptom of a monocultural society. There are Taiwanese. And there are foreigners, kind of a different creature, often an afterthought.


so we should try to make our voice noisy enough to be listened.


Somewhat off topic however I do wonder what Eiger actually claim to have achieved here, foreign residents still cannot use iRent cars in the way Taiwanese citizens can. From their own FAQ at https://www.easyrent.com.tw/irent/web/qa.shtml .


Foreigners cannot use an App to rent cars parked around the city by the hour/day etc. in the same way citizens can, they need to go to a rental office.


I was being facetious.

It’s sort of my default mode for this place.

However, though I’ve never used the YouBikes and actually dislike them nearly as much as scooters, this kind of thing irks me.

The news is on both Twitter and Facebook now. I mentioned it in passing to a local friend who is an attorney and he said it was probably legal to discriminate like this (without looking through it in detail) though unwise in an election year if people wanted to make some noise.


Thanks! Glad to be on. Always followed threads here, but was too lazy to make an account until now.

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Why would they decide this, now of all times, while Taiwan is trying to boost tourism? I imagine this is not going to look good AT ALL for Taiwan when the Youtubers come out of the woodwork

I dont think there was that much thought put into it. Even if it is the city that is insisting this, its ridiculous for them to roll out the insurance scheme without making provisions for foreigners.

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The announcement of the new policy specifically says that only the first card must register for insurance and cards 2-5 have to apply separately for insurance. Another sign of how little thought went into this.


11 posts were split to a new topic: From ubike

I can’t read Chinese but that information is outdated because I can use irent app without any limitations scooter/cars that have to return at same spot/cars that are parked around city. I have ARC and Taiwanese driving license. I posted this because it’s similar situation with YouBike now.


Excellent information, did you sign up yourself online or did you need a Taiwanese co-signer?

I did by myself. Just uploaded photos of documents and it was super easy. I was actually shocked because I had no expatiation that it would actually work. Seems when they get sued things actually move. I don’t know who did it but make my life easier. I have kids and sometimes need a car to get monthly groceries from Costco or go outside of city for half day. It’s super convenient and cheapest rent a car in Taiwan.



I saw this posted on Facebook a few moments ago.

Not hiding the guy’s name because he posted publicly (and because I entirely support what he said).
