Ukraine Invaded by the Russians - April to August 2022

If Ukrainian males up to 60 years old refuse the draft, what happens to them?
If Russia left today, what would happen to the militias and civilians in the south-east that were on the receiving end of Ukrainian shelling and fighting battalions since 2014?

Regarding your insurgent/terrorist theory. If Russians or separatists from the south-east decided to become terrorists attacking Kiev or the west of Ukraine, do you think they would succeed?
Those in Kiev and the west would give up those areas for say Russia?

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They’d have to accept Ukrainian rule, just as Ukrainians would have to accept Russian rule if Putin is allowed to win.

  1. Not sure. Prison, I guess.

  2. Not sure but I guess they’d end up being imprisoned or executed as seditionists.

  3. No clue.

  4. ?? Don’t understand the question.

#4 - I was painting it as the same as say the likes of Asov (as they are probably the only ones that would possibly go full terrorist) going into the Donbass as terrorists.
Would those areas give up and hand the areas over to Asov terrorists?
The answer is no, as much as those in the west of Ukraine would want to hand over that area to Russia if there were Russian insurgents letting off car bombs.

Secession is an interesting question that I’ve wrestled with but don’t have a satisfactory answer to yet. For example, if Texas decided it wanted to secede from the U.S. should it be allowed to if the majority of Texans wanted it? I’m leaning towards yes, a la Scotland

Ukrainian are defending their country!

Taiwan might be next. I hope we too get help.


No, we can’t allow the US MIC to have their way again!


Might as well just let the commies take over then.

At least then we’ll have resisted the lure of those US neocons. That’ll learn them!


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Maybe we’ll get citizenship without giving up the passport only posthumously if we die for Taiwan and not before.
Heck, I at least give Ukraine credit for giving away passports like they’re candy for fighters joining their side.

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The military-industrial complex has troubling aspects and is an appropriate topic of debate and discussion.

But if Russia wins, China will be emboldened, which is more trouble for Taiwan.

This is not the time.

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Is this it?

Is it a Czech weapon?


For good measure:,first%20publicly%20revealed%20in%202021.

Someone jumped to conclusions!

Since ASUS won’t pull out of Russia:

Jeez.! You must be an American? Such an US-centric point of view, everything in this world goes by because of U.S. MIC making quarrels between these aggressive and ignorant barbarians outside of US and A

It’s quite unfortunate when purported critiques of the US simply recenter the US as the sole agents in the world. :neutral_face:


“Some of its decisions were in direct contradiction to the Russian constitution, our values and our traditions” - Vyacheslav Volodin, speaker of lower house of parliament, the State Duma

I am American and dislike U.S. MIC. What’s your beef with that?


Everything ends up being about the US. US MIC, US politics, US interests, Hunter Biden’s laptop (OK you didn’t mention that one).

It’s like the rest of the people on earth do not have goals, interests, or agency.


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The U.S. should stick to its own domestic problems and not others.
Giving away $45 billion in weapons (or is it lend-lease in which generations of Ukies will have to pay) while seeing its (U.S.) own inner cities rot away. No thanks. I’d rather the U.S. clean up its own domestic shit instead of other countries for once. We have a shitload of problems far greater than the world’s.


UK is all in on pushing Russia out of all Ukraine, they have been harder line and more extreme than the US, actually we have seen in recent years a unity of movement between US and it’s allies, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ and EU on a wide range of issues from Covid responses to Ukraine and more authoritarian measures like targeting individuals financially (Trudeau in targeting protesters in Canada) then applied collectively to Russia for it’s invasion.

Of course it’s not just the US.

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