US Election - non-inflammatory discussion only, no Twitter links, no back and forth arguments


This would be huge for the dems if they can flip Georgia. Where are you getting the numbers from?

Can you imagine. That would be wild.

I just turned on CNN for the first time in months in case of a drop…but it’s hard watching any live news network for more than 5 minutes.

So much easy ad revenue for 99.99% hot air over 3 days, nice gig.

I’m on CNN and live Twitter. I don’t think the overseas votes are super big. 9000 arriving tomorrow.

I fell for your 5 minutes thing, CNN with the classic bait, I’m turning this shizz off and just following online.

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They always say five minutes…

CNN ain’t fake news but they are the ratings milking whore champs.

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If Biden wins by less than 3000 in GA, 9000 overseas and military would probably be enough to flip it back.

Military solidly pro Trump?

From what I’ve seen, yes. My best friend from HS in the AF says people love him. I think people generally view lack of new war as a positive in the military and many of them are from middle america.

But wouldn’t some soldiers actually want to see some action?

Or is that a movie myth?

War or no, they overwhelmingly vote GOP.

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Psychos do.

He says the 99% of guys who want action are all BSing. The 1% that do are just warriors built that way or psychos that like killing.

Ok I lied, I left CNN on. Just long enough to really remind me of everything I hate.

Breaking news music…hmmm.
Wolf Blitzer on screen…ugh
We have an update…hmmm
Wolf shows unchanged screen…
Wolf…any second now etc etc.

Some CNN people I have no issue with, Wolf on his moronic cruise control with his monotone voice, I’ve distasted this dude for a long time. They do the same playbook without him, he just makes it much worse. :face_vomiting:

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But that semi-numbers guy just put out a convincing case that Biden is a lock in PA, which ends the race. If Biden is really going to win, I hope he keeps Arizona and gets GA. The race is already razor thin, so no need to make it electorally closer and put more emphasis on any specific court case.

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The PA lock seems legit since all the batches in the last two days have been 70 to 80% for Biden. I think there still 200,000 votes left. He only needs 62%.

But are they even counting right now?

CNN just said GA sent out 8800 absentee ballots, so that’s the max that could come in.

Yes. We’ve seen new numbers today. They’ll count at least to midnight but they might not update the numbers till the morning.

I give up on waiting for GA. Guess I’ll find out in the morning.