US Sec of State Certifies Hong Kong No Longer Autonomous

Is it breaking forum rules to say I really really doubt the truth of this statement? I have yet to meet even the most fervent Chinese nationalist who blames Indian peasants (under British rule) rather than the dope traffickers of the East India Company.

No. It’s not against the rules. Criticise the words, not the person.

I forgot to add that the local dealers inside China were getting too powerful so the Emperor had to stop the British from bringing it in. Kind of why the golden triangle was started.

It was a bullshit statement in order to highlight how far someone seeking reparations wants to burn the bridge for peace of mind.

3 posts were split to a new topic: From US Sec of State Certifies Hong Kong no Longer Autonomous

Umm. Actually they were. And the people promoted and celebrated the Officers who did brazen acts of crimes against humanity in the colonies. The world may be learning not the British. All that WW II taught us was how to divide society further into have and have nots. How to interfere and bomb maim kill in places like Vietnam, Laos Cambodia Korea Afghanistan Iraq. Sure we did learn that. No times are gone.

Sure if you call consensus at the barrel of a gun - I don’t think those people would call it that.

You’re tellin me the average brit in the 1600s-1800s was a bloodthirsty person bent on killing people?

Hard to believe.


Exactly. People with superiority complex here don’t want see arguments, don’t see logic. Since they’re blinded by their bubble.

And if the farmers want an apology from India so be it. India should apologize. Is that the answer you were hoping for ?

The trade was not balanced from the tea trade. UK was losing too much silver to China. That’s why they had to trade in opium in China. The locals in China didn’t complain, it was just the Chinese ruling class that didn’t like balanced trade and just wanted to take advantage of Brits.

Nope. Let it go, Elsa.

The only person with a moral superiority complex is you.


Protests in Hong Kong are exagerated. Protest against the extradition bill, then when the thing is removed, continue protesting 6 months. Until the next thing comes up. HK is part of China, better deal with it, else go protest in Beijing.

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Meanwhile the guy murdered his girlfriend in Taiwan, is running around free in Hong Kong…

Do you know why they are protesting?

:rofl: Because the Taliban, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, The LPRP, Ho Chi Minh and the Baathists are such angels LMFAO

This is total crap.
Yeah, like Pablo Escobar had to sell cocaine to the States because of Colombia’s balance of payments.
Many locals complained, as well as the Chinese mandarins, because Britain was selling opium and addicting vast numbers of people.

Should add that most British articles were unmarketable in China so, yes, they had to sell opium. I was explaining to a cop the other day that nobody wanted to buy my homemade baskets, so I had to sell smack, so he should let me go.

Any time someone demands an apology, a thread turns into a shitstorm of irrelevancy.

The takeaway here is that the US State Dept. is openly acknowledging reality, and that can only be good.

No, I don’t think the gongfei have been stigmatized enough.

No apologies demanded or offered.

In the Old Testament God visited the sins of the fathers upon the children. And God could not stand any blemish of sin and we were all condemned because Adam and Eve sinned and disobeyed God.

God is intolerant of sin in its minutest form. But God sent Jesus to die so that we may call upon Jesus to ask God to forgive us of our sins.

Even one germ of sin was not acceptable to God. And all were judged for the sins of their fathers.

Let us live in the world of the New Testament and not be judged by the sins of OUR FATHERS.

OH and no DUH, Hong Kong is NOT autonomous (never was actually but the UK ruled it very loosely).

uhm yeah, nah