US Sec of State Certifies Hong Kong No Longer Autonomous

I’m sure you’ll be leading the charge lol

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Ah, “The World of Lily Wong” comic, circa 1997. Her brother is a waiter in an HK restaurant explaining their new “China policy” to an irate customer: “50 years, no change”.

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Yeah, all Jews are stingy and treacherous, all blacks are lazy and stupid, all Americans are loud and ignorant…

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In 1997, Hong Kong’s economy was more than 18 percent the size of the economy of the mainland. Today, the figure is down to three percent
Hong Kong used to be 18 percent of China's GDP. Now it's 3 percent. - Vox

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Yeah. We learned and moved on from our mistakes. We don’t throw children in jail for the crimes of their parents.


No you don’t. You just enjoy the spoils from centuries of slave trade, forced labour, imperialism and then call it history.

well sometimes history repeats itself…

And pray tell what am I supposed to do about it?

What are we supposed to do? Dismantle the entire system? Fire everyone? Kill all humans who live in peace and prosperity? All of human history is built on the backs of people. No country is without sin.

Since you purport to know history, then you would know Chinese history is full of violence, subjugation, sinicisation, conquering and more of that fun stuff.


hardcore brainwashing and propaganda from birth does make a difference believe it or not.

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How about a simple “apology”. Lets start with that.

I know you love to parrot the same line as the British:

Sure. So tomorrow if the “mighty” UK will be ruled for a 100 years, plundered, looted and enslaved. Then 200 years after that, we can say the same thing “no need to apologize. after all everyone does wrong”.

How about not white-washing all the crimes of the empire and atleast teaching actual historical facts to your students?

Even in 2010, you have to debate if the full history should be taught or not. why? Do you think kids will suffer trauma from knowing the truth? The people’s only real fear is that the kids will grow up realizing that what their grandfathers did was wrong and havent’ even bothered to acknowledge the facts. That’s their real fear.

Hong Kongers don’t have residence rights or full British citizenship not because of the Declaration, but because Britain didn’t want them. Nor did anybody else.
Will the Brexiteers fling their arms open wide? Some of them, yeah. A lot (like my mother) wanted to get rid of all foreigners. Will the Trump supporters reverse their opposition to immigration? Again, some will- but a lot won’t, especially if it means allowing in a few million non-white non-Christians.
Taiwan has sympathy but no great love for a massive influx of people who speak a different language and will be seen as adding to the problems of an overcrowded island (real estate prices, traffic, health services etc).
Canada, Australia: there’s sympathy, I’m sure, but a fair bit of opposition to greatly increased immigration of HKers.
Maybe if there’s a concerted effort by all concerned- but I don’t see that happening.

My wife has one of those “British passports”. I used to think it would be great if she got citizenship, then I could, by virtue of marriage, get it, too. Then we could live in the EU! Like anywhere!
Well, that idea went to hell in a handbasket.

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Dude. I’m not British. I’m parroting nobody. So the British should apologise to Hong Kong why? And I dont love to parrot anything. My thoughts are my own.

Secondly, we wouldn’t do it tomorrow because we know its wrong. We have established the morals of today. We have built on our successes and failures of our past. Most former colonies that aren’t doing well receive aid from foreign colonisers. Most former colonies in Africa are run by dictators now. They are hindering the development of their economy. Not us.

There are former colonies doing well as well. If Taiwan can get over Japanese colonisation why can’t you?

Humanity as a whole has a VERY long list of injustices beyond colonisation. We learn and do better. Some still happening today to real people of today. We used to drain people of blood when they were sick. Is Colonisation the only atrocity you concern yourself with? Cause if you plan to apologise for the long long list of atrocities caused by everyone’s ancestorsx then you are gonna be here for a long time speaking meaningless and cheap words while the rest of us continue to work for a better world.


Maybe meaningless and cheap to you not others. No one is looking for a certification from the likes of you. Secondly you don’t have to be British to parrot their line. Not condemning imperialism and it’s injustices is the same as condoning it.

You can continue living in your fake bubble that oh we’ve improved and learnt. No you’ve learnt nothing because learning requires humility, acknowledging you were wrong and then the will to improve.

Sure build a “better world” with the blood and sweat of other humans without shedding a tear. No one will shed a tear for you when tomorrow that world comes crashing down.

Who needs an apology? Tell me.

4 countries can hardly be called “over-represented”.

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Who the fuck are you?


That’s the point you don’t get. No one is begging for an apology.

It has to come from within for a society to change. But the British society has never had the will to introspect.

China taking over HK and not caring about the UK leaves no love lost. Tomorrow Argentina may take over Falklands islands maybe by force. The UK may not be able to defend it the way it did few decades ago. India may capture Diego Garcia. Gibraltar may be taken over by Spain. All these may involve a bloody war but because of the history and arrogance of the British, no one would care just like noone care today to say anything to China.

Sounds like you are the one not willing to introspect the desire to oppress and hurt a entire group of people based on actions they never partaken in.

You’re not gettin the point that the old times are long gone. Humanity as a whole did not start enlightened. Our morals change as we learn new things. Like children, we have to grow and learn. Countries doing the colonisation weren’t run by a bloodthirsty populace, but were run by monarchs and despots looking to keep hold on power. WWII showed us that we, humanity went too far and thus we want a better future for all people. We’ve paid for it. All of us paid for it. We’ve turned the page.

Of course they would care. Falklands and Gilbraltar are indisputably British and their populations continue to clearly express their willingness to remain British. Just like Hong Kong :wink: We live in a consensus-based world and you don’t seem to get that.

Thirdly, you seem unable to comprehend that quite a few former colonies have turned the page on colonisation.

If you’re so worried about living and benefitting on the back of the past, then feel free to move to the forest and start your own society.

I know plenty of Chinese people that would like Indian farmers to apologize for growing poppies and collecting black tar opium that was eventually sold down stream in China. It lead to many internal problems 200 years ago.