USA and gun control

Most complaints about The Donald boil down to: he’s so terribly uncouth. It’s classist, really.

I love Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack. That character taps into what everyone either hates or loves about Trump, and how it tells more about the haters and lovers than about the man himself.

He’s a walking litmus test.

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I think Comedian George Carlin said it all really well. He’s a very wise man and many people should listen to what he’s said even back then about the Media and both sides of Govt/ Banks/Corporations. Even in the Clinton/Bush era he knew what had been happening.

I believe in taking people’s opinions at face value unless there is a specific reason not to. A lot of people now immediately jump to conclusions about what people are basing their opinions on, and aren’t shy about saying it, which seems exactly like what you’re doing above. I don’t think it’s a positive form of discourse. I think Trump is a dangerous jackass, and it’s my considered opinion based on a great deal of different input from different sources. What I was referring to above was that especially New Yorkers of around my age will remember Trump from way back, when he was already a first class jackass. Jackass in jackass out, but that’s not why I think he’s a jackass now. He’s had every opportunity to change that assessment.

He might be a Jackass for business, honestly most New Yorkers I’ve dealt with in my business were jackasses as I was surprised to learn from personal experience. But theres a lot worse things about other politicians than being a Jackass when it comes to being tough in business and wanting to appear that way.

I’m with Rowland on this one

“That character taps into what everyone either hates or loves about Trump, and how it tells more about the haters and lovers than about the man himself.
He’s a walking litmus test.”

But either way thanks for sharing your New Yorker’s opinion

You are tapping into Rowland there alright, peas in a pod, because I have no ffing idea what you are on about :).


I notice you say that a lot.

Yep must mean you and I are on another plane. Non intersectional.

This is an opinion I respect, I honestly get where you are coming from. However, you also must realize nice guys like Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul or Rand Paul will not be allowed within a million miles of the White House. Trump made it probably because he is a jackass, knowing what you do, I credit you with having awareness of what Trump was against and I don’t mean the Clinton machine. Could you look me in the eye and say with 100% certainty putting Trump into office wasn’t the right thing to do?

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Trump made it probably because he is a jackass, knowing what you do, I credit you with having awareness of what Trump was against and I don’t mean the Clinton machine.

I have to admit that you lost me. What was he against?

Could you look me in the eye and say with 100% certainty putting Trump into office wasn’t the right thing to do?

Yes. Any one of his challengers would have been far better including people who I am ideologically diametrically opposed to like Cruz.

Even Hillary? That’s a strong statement. I thank my lucky stars every day she didn’t insinuate her pantsuit into the Oval Office.

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I supported Hillary. I think 75% of the shit said about her is total bullshit. The rest you could say about any politician which no one ever did before–gee I wonder why. Jesus, I’m saying I’d take Cruz. You’re not getting this.


You realize you give me two choices in replying to this, to presume extreme ignorance on your part or extreme reluctance to admit facts.

Im not sure which path I prefer.

Dude I have no idea what you’re talking about so fire away. I hope it’s good. This is getting to be a bit of a windup.

Before we do that, you really have no idea? Everyone else gets the plot.

Ok, lets do it. You have a FBI/DOJ that is completely corrupt, they investigate their political opponents. This is what happens in back water countries.

but in the USA they have the MSM as cheerleaders, pretty much all of them, reading a script like clowns in a circus.

Worse, Yahoo, Google, Facebook are going to censor your conservative views,

You don’t know or are not aware of any of this?

I think you are fully aware,

This is simple. In this context, I don’t care if any of that is true. I don’t want Trump, and if you think he’s the man to get us out that or any other mess, you’re deluding yourself. I can’t describe my opinion of his integrity or honesty in polite language. So, no, these aren’t understandable to me as “things Trump is against”.

Just a never Trumper.

If you can’t see beyond your prejudice, then sure, you dont care what anyone says, or what anyone thinks. Hate for trump seems to be all consuming for you.

I hate him because he’s AN IDIOT with no integrity. A buffoon who is destroying our country’s reputation and doing untold damage that will linger for generations. Why can’t you understand this? Your regard for this man is blinding you it looks like to me. I’d put it past you.

As for the rest: The FBI stabbed Hillary in the gut right before the election is what I remember personally. This MSM baloney pretty much makes me want to puke. It is meaningless to me, and a reason to elect Trump? That’s absurd! The stuff about Yahoo etc just sounds like paranoid nonsense.

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I was willing to give that piece of shit a chance, but he immediately set about tearing the country to pieces. No way, and that goes for the party that brought him in too. I’m done with them. No forgiveness, unless it’s someone with integrity enough to absolutely stand against him.

I’m done, this isn’t the kind of thing I come on the internet for.

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Last time I checked, I actually had intelligence, people asking “why can’t you understand this” always have a much lower intelligence. I suggest not going this path.

I with you on him being a jackass, whats your complaint exactly?

No one is buying that bullshit, and by the way, it colors you too.