USA and gun control

yea it was gross

“Someone showed up at work and shot some windows, so for your own safety you’re not allowed to bring your guns at work”


“A vicious dog has been walking outside our fence and was seen trying to get near our animals, so for safety we will take the fence out”

That’s some masterful management, 10/10 would feel safe working there

Well, in Taiwan all we can protect ourselves with is airsoft guns… they hurt like hell if it hits you but are not deadly (they aren’t supposed to be) but some people will modify them to hit harder… happens all the time. They do sell a “riot gun” (that’s what they call it in Chinese) that basically shoots solid rubber bullets in paintball caliber. It’s said to hurt BAD if it hits you and can break bones.

At least knife laws aren’t as strict as say China… where you can’t even carry a pocket knife on your person. Only knife that’s illegal in Taiwan is samurai swords over 28cm long. Over that and they have to be blunted.

nice post, no joke

whereabouts did this happen, if i may so inquire?


I tend to be portrayed as a liberal here but I support the second amendment and the right to bear arms. I don’t believe in penalties for gun ownership, just for some common sense background checks and and to close some loopholes.

Does that mean I’m not a liberal, or perhaps not all liberals think that way?

Hope all is well.

The incident I referenced happened in North Carolina .
Regarding the last post, I think we need liberals as a balance between the two extreems but when the balence gets too far out of wack the backlash is Trump

A lot of loopholes are non existent or inconsequential. Many gun laws that target loopholes prevent minorities from owning guns. You ever wonder why something like 70% of black males are not allowed to own guns especially handguns.
I believe the first post slavery gun law was enacted to prevent former slaves from owning weapons .

The laws should apply equally to all citizens regardless of race.

Yes but it inadvertently affects minorities and disenfranchised. For instance the new California ammo purchasing law requires a “real id” or a federally recognized I’d card. Legal permanent residents cant get one of these and are therefore not allowed to buy ammo. But in other states they can buy guns and ammo.

That’s just an easy example. There are others. Black males get charged for felonies for the same crimes white people get misdemeanors or not even charged. It’s a bias inherent to the legal systen. Once they get a felony they are unable to legally own a firearm. Since their economic resources are limited due to the felony they tend to live in high crime areas where a gun is needed.

What’s that?

The proposed CA law will make it illegal for non-residents of the state to buy ammo in California.

That doesn’t square up with what dix says.

I believe it does, but I’ll let dix chime in.

Can’t legal permanent residents get a CA driver’s licence, and wouldn’t that be sufficient?

My understanding is you need to be a resident of the state and have your driver’s license upgraded to a “real id” type license.
I was wrong about permanent resident not being able to get a real id. It’s possible but more difficult to get a " real id" as a permanent resident. My wife was told she would have to wait until her current license expired before she could get one.
My issue is that the anti gun lawmakers in California told everyone their assault rifle bill would end gun crime and not just be a segway to more gun control. It’s not common sense gun control. It’s a dishonest attempt to ban guns and it’s a lesson to us in more free states about what can happen if you give an inch to anti gun organizations .

Yes, it is. If you’re not aware of Washington State Initiative 1639, you should check it out. Consider sharing it with your fellow North Carolinians, too. If Bloomberg is successful then I believe his group has plans to roll a very similar initiative out to 15 new states in 2020.

Americans who are less aware of the history of gun control in the US may not be aware that the reason the NRA seems so intractable, so unwilling to compromise, is because every compromise always, always leads to new demands. Sure as the sun rises in the east.

It is not the case that Americans refuse to act to contain gun violence, or that we tolerate mass shootings as a cost of maintaining our civil rights. What is blocking any meaningful effort is the fundamental dishonesty of gun control advocates. Note that those are not the same thing.

[California] Ammunition buyers will have their identification run through two databases, the second of which will check to ensure the buyer hasn’t lost eligibility to own a gun because of criminal convictions or mental health commitments. Those who pass can take home their ammo on the spot.

The second check through California’s Armed and Prohibited Persons System is proving problematic. Residents who bought a handgun before 1996 and a rifle or shotgun before 2014 are likely not in the database.

Gun owners not in the system will have to pay a $19 fee for a background check that could take days. Once the buyer passes, they can complete one ammunition purchase within 30 days.

Those already registered in California’s gun owner’s database will have to pay a $1 processing fee every time they buy ammunition.

That why I cant find small pistol primers at cabellas.
It’s all going to California.
A friend of mine works at a large ammunition facility and he told me they had over 1 million rounds of 9mm earmarked or shipped to California recently

Also if you are returning from fighting overseas make sure you dont seek any help for any mental trauma or PTSD you might be suffering from. (He says sarcastically) that might prevent you from buying a gun or ammunition.

Does the law affect supplies for reloading at home? It reads like it’s only ready to fire ammo.

Q: What about reloading components?
A: There is nothing in the provisions of Prop. 63 that regulates reloading components (powders, primers, projectiles/bullets). Reloading components are not governed by the laws created by Prop 63, however, with Gavin Newsom as California’s new Governor, it’s always possible he could pass new laws that cover reloading components at some point.

It doesn’t. Found a source.