Using US Credit Cards in Taipei

It’s all right, just sharing my experiences. The OP can contact Line if he really wants a 100% solid answer, but it’s not my job to provide that.

Thank you all for your perspectives, last time I was in Taipei was 2015 and I stayed around Xinyi so it was pretty easy to use card. But I figure Covid has changed a lot of things….

Yeah, that was 2015, so eight years ago. The Taiwanese banking sector has seen a full one year of progress since then!


7-11 only accepts Taiwanese Cathay United Cards.

So far my favorite way to pay is with the JKO Pay as many places accept it and one can link and pay with any card (no AMEX, not sure about other overseas cards).

I do not have any cards from Cathay and I can use Google or apple pay at all convenience stores. I don’t know if it differentiates with us cards.

Costco will only take Costco cards regardless of payment devices.

No, you can’t use non Cathay Taiwanese cards in 7-11, even with Google Pay. I tried!


Only way is through a separate QR-code payment system.

They most certainly accept US cards. I only use my US cards with them.

That’s not what their website says. I don’t have US cards to check. But other cards I have give errors when trying to pay.

Edit: 7-11 only allows international cards, but not Taiwanese other than Cathay.

Most websites won’t mention foreign cards, as they are usually not targeting foreign tourists.

I’m curious. What happens to bank accounts in the US when one is deported?

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Now we just need someone to hit up 7-11 with a Chase Sapphire :joy:

Nothing, because banks are not usice or USCIS.

In fact even other government agencies not related to immigration don’t care.

Also nothing happens to your social security either. Number is still valid and if you were eligible for social security payments like SSI and SSDI, you will continue getting them even if deported. They are not immigration.

In fact if you just got in illegally, you could just use the SS card to get an id or drivers license from the DMV, then work using those id. If they e verify it would pass. Not to say ice won’t notice, but it works.

US largely turns a blind eye towards illegal immigration.

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I’ve used my Chase Sapphire with 7-11. It works.

But what about that little footnote thing of “accept(s) tag-to-pay [sic] credit cards issued by non-Taiwanese financial services”? I’m not really sure what that’s trying to say…

In any case, I don’t know why someone wanting to pay with a non-Cathay card wouldn’t just use JKOPay? That’s what I do.

What’s the difference? That you have to show a QR code instead of tapping the card? The end result is the same, no? :man_shrugging:

It is a translation error. Should say tap-to-pay or contactless international credit cards.
So 7-11 only blocks Taiwanese cards other than Cathay.
International cards should be fine.

I’ve been using contactless pay with convenience store for a while. I do not have any card with Cathay. They work, I’m not sure why the website says different.

Can you be less vague? Which cards, banks? International?

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Really? I wonder if I could go there illegally and claim, then I could have a 4th pension lol

Yeah of course I know that “tag-to-pay” was an error. That’s why I wrote “sic”. What I mean is that it’s quite vague and weirdly positioned in the graphic.

I don’t know how you’d be eligible for SSI as it’s really hard to get, and you need to be a permanent resident to even get a ssn in the first place.

But once you have a ssn it’s permanent.

If you’re illegal you can’t claim ss.

But if you have a green card, and either abandoned or was deported, your SSN if not affected.

If you enter on a landing visa maybe you can get a ssn, it will say not valid for employment on it. You need a green card or work visa (H1b, l1) to have a blank SS card. I believe the h1b one will say valid for employment only with DHS permission.