Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports

Excuse me, but your position here is far far far from the truth.

You’d have a lot more credibility if you actually presented my positions accurately. It seems this is very challenging for you, which is surprising given you simply want to be left alone.

And why are you folks still banging on about “vaccine mandates”? The only time I EVER had to present proof of vaccination for COVID 19 was when I travelled to Japan, voluntarily, as a tourist. Oh woe is me, I think muh freedum has been trampled upon!


When I received my APRC in the 2010s, I had a health check as part of the process. They determined I need an MMR shot; I had the MM part but not the R. Did I think my precious individual free-dum was violated then? Oh woe was me, how did I even survive to post about it. :roll_eyes:


My position on what? About said graft, violence, and larceny, or the fact that you supported it?

I honestly don’t see how I’ve misrepresented you in any way. To the extent that you’ve even made any coherent remarks on the subject - most of your posts consist of making snide remarks about other people’s intelligence - you have been consistently positive about every single pronouncement from government on the subject of COVID. Nowhere have I seen you make one comment in support of - for example - those of us who have suggested that an awful lot of money seems to be flowing in particular directions.

Ah … so perhaps you’re going with the “none of it ever happened” defense? Nobody was ever forced to get vaccinated, sort of thing?

New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins claims no one was forced to take Covid vaccines despite bringing in mandates when he was minister | Daily Mail Online.

It’s a bold strategy; let’s see if it pays off for 'em.

Well yeah. It was. Woe is me. My total loss over three years amounted to something like US$100,000, all things considered. Because I didn’t take the magic potion, I was prevented from salvaging what was left of my business abroad, resulting in the wholesale theft of everything that was there. I was denied entry to a country where my father was dying. And I was one of the lucky ones; I did not, at least, end up crippled or dead as a result of being experimented on, and I personally know people who had far greater financial losses.

Your ongoing mockery of people who suffered, coupled with outright denial that anything bad happened, suggests that you are not, in fact, being misrepresented. If you think I have somehow misunderstood your position then feel free to elucidate.


You have projected, and continue to project, your own narrow experience—part of which, not all of which, is based on decisions you made—onto the rest of us.

Your experience is singular and not one that has been repeated across this board.

You made this vaccine question a hill to die on, so to speak, and here you are still presenting yourself as a victim, while offensively claiming that I supported and support some of kind of “orgy” of corruption.

Own your decisions and stop projecting all your hurt—and I don’t doubt you are hurt—onto others.


You think I decided to shut down my business and allow people to pick apart the bones? Really? That was my own decision?

Almost everyone I know has suffered financially or psychologically as a result of “COVID”. A lot of people here, including yourself, seem to have been members of the laptop class who were insulated from it to a certain extent, or chose to buy into it - losing your grip on reality in the process.

There are reputable reports on the harm that was done to billions of people worldwide. Just today I came across a report from Amnesty International on the horrific treatment of the elderly in nursing homes. You might want to have a look at it.

IMO this report doesn’t go far enough. There is extremely strong evidence that both elderly people and the disabled were culled.

Well, did you or did you not support it? Can you quote one of your posts indicating that - for example - you disagreed with the coercion and lying surrounding vaccines, masks, etc., or the destruction of small businesses, or the moneyprinter-goes-brrrrr phenomenon that funneled close to $20 trillion into favoured pockets, while impoverishing everyone else?


It seems like what you’re saying here is that he could just have decided to fall in line and get vaccinated…? If so, wow. :thinking:


Is this a joke?

It’s pretty easy to look up how many people lost their jobs from the green pass in Italy. Places like France also has a significant amount of healthcare workers left without pay because they didn’t get the vaccine. China literally held people down and shot them up. Various authoritarian policies were enforced around the world. Some of them on people who were vital to help us like healthcare workers.

This was a global issue because people like you were scared.


It’s not his “singular experience.” I also lost my job, was denied others, and was not allowed to travel home to visit my family for years, because I did not comply with orders from corrupt and inept authorities.


I didn’t lose my job but my first inventory for a new business arrived as they announced another lockdown. I sell B2B so I was left with inventory I couldn’t move for months. And when things got started up again, all my existing competitors did huge discounts to liquidate months of inventory so it was really difficult to penetrate the market as a new company. We then went through so many logistics issues because of people losing their jobs through mandates in our supply chain.

All in all, I spent more than a year in my 20s in some sort of lockdown or quarantine. I won’t forget it and people like @afterspivak who blindly supported this nonsense. Their continual denial of any wrong pisses me off. I can accept they were fooled but their continual denial of going full authoritarian when they were scared eats at me


I don’t even think a rerun of Nuremberg would work since it seems that mostly all governments were and are captured by pharma which means the courts are then captured by the government. You can see Canada where a protest leader is getting more lockup time then repeat gun criminals.


While on one hand they demanded people stay home, most of them were secretly travelling and visiting friends. Not a few politicians and judiciary got caught, and how many didn’t get caught.


Is this the ole, “If I’m not suffering, no one is suffering!” type of argument?


And yours isn’t? Should everyone else go furk themselves?

Are you saying that there have been absolutely no victims due to governments’ heavy-handed, unscientific pandemic response? No one suffered in any way?

That’s … astounding.

Just take one tiny example: At the bare minimum, at last check, 30 unborn babies have suspected to have died in Taiwan due to mothers taking the clotshot. That’s from CECC data. IIRC, when I posted this info, I honestly thought that would spring your conscience into action, if anything would. As you had a student who got sick from covid, and you seemed “concerned” about youth.

But no, not a peep.

I think you’ve distilled it.

I don’t think it is.

I don’t think he will say this honestly, out loud. I can’t recall him commenting in support of anyone else who suffered in any way whatsoever, or “liking” a single post in support of anyone who suffered from the nonscience and tyranny, either here or anywhere else in the world.

Happy to be proven wrong.


The real issue now isn’t so much what happened during the last pandemic but what’s going to happen when the next pandemic hits. It would be immensely helpful if healthcare authorities were compelled to clarify what policies would be followed in the future. Hopefully they’ve learned from their mistakes and would announce they’ll just stand aside when the next pandemic hits and let it rip unimpeded thru the population, except for making masks and vaccines freely available to those like myself who want them.

Hopefully “you guys” won’t have a problem with those of us who choose masks and vaccines during the next pandemic.

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Go for your life. No problem here.

Just don’t force anyone else to take unnecessary sludge or wear a muzzle. How’s that? Sound fair?


Read my post.

I did. Can’t answer the question?

Fuck me.

I’m asking what you’d prefer. Not what governments may or may not do. Do you think there should be vaccine mandates? Do you think the covid mandates were a good thing? Maybe should have been even more enforced? :thinking:

No need to speak in riddles, just be up front with your beliefs.

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The authorities stated the masking had no effect. The vaccines performed worse than the placebos in the trials (see Dr. Fraiman’s research and interview with Dr. Campbell, recently linked), and now we have worldwide excess deaths after three years of jabbing, deaths not due to the clotshots.

This is a popular belief, albeit false. They weren’t mistakes. This was intentional, very well planned, to profit a very few. To make that amount of money, others must be made to suffer. That’s how those types of folks work.

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No one should be forced to wear masks or not wear masks. No one should be forced to get or not get vaccinated.

That’s both because compulsion doesn’t work and because it’s a basic human right to choose.

At the start of the pandemic (which I spent in Taiwan) I thought — wrongly — that there would be an overwhelming willingness to follow healthcare experts’ advice, except for those few who were slow on the uptake, putting others at risk temporarily. I came to realize that a large minority of people had deeply held convictions about the evil intentions of the healthcare system and it wasn’t just a matter of a few stragglers being brought up to speed.