Virtual Wives

That’s a bit like saying doctors just give people pills, or engineers just draw funny diagrams.

Therapy is a treatment. If there is no treatment goal, it’s pointless. If the treatment produces more harm than good, it’s unethical. Although talking is involved, there are specific protocols for the content of the conversations.

Incidentally, most therapists I’ve met are nutcases. I only did the course for a laugh.

So it’s not unreasonable to expect your wife-to-be to know how to keep house, but unreasonable to expect her to cook? Why so?

95% of people become parents at some point.

I thought many ppl with anxiety disorder were on therapy. Do that not?

It’s unreasonable to expect your wife to know how to keep house and to cook. Ideally both should contribute to the household.

That is not true.

There are some modestly-effective therapies for anxiety disorder, yes. Your point is …?

Why? These are critical life skills, and fairly easy to acquire. We’re not saying every woman should know how to pilot a submarine and also play the trombone.

I think we can agree on that (depending on how you define “contribute”). However, I don’t see how this supports your position.

Fine. According to Quora, it’s 89.6%. Does this radically alter the argument?

I thought that this old film delved into the subject . I guess a wife could be too subservient also ?

In hakka and Cantonese tradition, it is the man who cooks.

Seriously guys, even Latinos have given up about women should do the cooking. It is a yunta, two oxen together joining forces on the road. Whoever can cook at that moment, cooks. Roles are for plays, not life.


I want polenta and pepperonatta.

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Just to be clear, I wasn’t arguing that women should do the cooking. Merely that women should know how to cook. Or, equivalently, being a woman in 2019 is not an excuse for not knowing how to cook.

The abdication of cooking skills to multinational companies selling us crap in microwaveable packages has had terrible consequences.

Agreed. Everyone should know some basic cooking. It is a useful skill like sewing, changing a tire, fixing a fuse, CPR or swimming. Not everyone can be a chef or a mechanic, but some basic skills help in many situations.

However, if a woman is too busy or chooses not to cook, she should not face more or actually any disdain. It is her choice. She can dial and pay for Food Panda like anyone else. If a guy can do it without society turning its eyes round like an electric fan blades, then so can any woman.

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I agree , it has managed to keep me alive for the last few years though :wink:

Not in my house. Where’s dinner ?

In the restaurant. Uber, Food Panda or should I buy something on the way home?

Honestly, most days I am too tired to chew, let alone cook. But I make mean sandwiches.

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Did you take your Mexican friends out to eat by the way?

Nah. I sent other friends though and they are hooked.

See? That is a professional doing a simple soup. Sopa de tortilla the way my dear departed granny would be proud of. Mine brings shame to my ancestors.

It’s not like cooking is difficult, gender identity regardless.

I think it must be fear of the unknown that prevents so many from cooking. How can anyone fail to knock up a basic tomato sauce with spaghetti? It’s almost impossible to get wrong.

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Indeed…just open can and heat on stove.


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Stick the can in the microwave for added sparks.

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Yes, there is a certain level of know-how involved.

Hmmm … I was pretty bad . Tried to make fried rice once . Nobody told me you had to boil it first . Like popcorn on the ceiling . But at least I tried :face_with_head_bandage:


Well, puffed rice isn’t bad either.

Rice Krispies being an example ?