Visa/Border Run 101

I would like to know more about that. Have you seen other threads about working for foreign companies which seem to say something different? For example:

With the key point being:

… if the only aspect of the work is your physical presence in Taiwan, whereas the website/person/company you work for is overseas and is not receiving your work through any kind of local representative office etc., then you don’t need a work permit.

@tando @eCanada What do you think about that? Do all those digital nomads perhaps unknowingly violate the law?

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True, but like the look I posted states, you need to pay to change your Visa before you apply for a work permit.

The trade office told me before that it’s technically illegal to look for work but yet they’ll switch the Visa over when you find work. I’ll try to find a link

Point is, they don’t enforce it

Yes, I do think they all violate the law… Many probably knowingly

you don’t need a visa to apply for a work permit. You need a visa before you get an ARC.


But how do you interpret the ministry’s response then?

I’m confused myself, that’s why I try to find more information about that.

That’s new, I thought you needed to get a work permit first and then apply in person for an ARC.

Right, sorry. I meant have your work permit waiting for your and have your ARC shortly after your arrive.
“Nationals who intend to enter Taiwan for the purposes that require qualifications – such as religious work – must obtain a visa from the R.O.C. overseas missions before entering Taiwan”

purposes that do not require a permit—such as engaging in tourism, visiting friends or relatives, attending social events, conducting business, attending exhibitions, and engaging in fact-finding missions or international exchanges

I’m asking to boca looking for work belongs to which category.

Yes I read this too…

Interesting… Looks like I’m wrong.

white-collar professionals who have obtained a work permit within their permitted duration of stay(Brunei, Philippines, Russia and Thailand are not included) may apply for a work visa together with their spouse and minors (under age 20) who entered the ROC at the same time.

They must have updated it. This was not the case then I came. I had to fly to Hong Kong with my contract to get the Visa there once.
I distinctly remember my application at TECO stating that I could not look for work and I had to pretend I was only a tourist. Same for my Visa except landing stamp.

I have my APRC now, when you land, can you tell them your purpose in Taiwan is to look for work?

So have I understood this right?.. if I work online such as teaching English… I don’t need a work permit?

From what I can tell (but I’m also still waiting for someone who might have a definite answer): If your English lessons clients are ROC citizens, you must not teach without a work permit.

The issue is not doing work on the internet or something like that. It merely depends on whether those who pay for your work are ROC citizens/companies.

So as long as digital nomads have their clients overseas, they are fine with the law or am I misunderstanding something? What about remote workers whom the employers and clients are abroad? Can they stay in Taiwan and border run?

But in case you work here with or without a permit and stay over 90 days (was 183 days) in Taiwan in a tax year, you need to file taxes and come up with where you get the money.

Clearly explained here

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I’m pretty sure that you do need a work permit. If you’re working from Taiwan then you need a work permit. Doing online work doesn’t mean you don’t need a work permit

I think this is a grey zone.

Added: if you work online for taiwanese company, or your students are taiwanese, you definitely need a work permit.

What I think a grey zone is working online for foreign companies and customers.


Income from sources in the R.O.C.:

(3) Remunerations for services rendered by an individual within the R.O.C. and income derived from employer(s) outside the R.O.C. for services rendered in the R.O.C. for those who have stayed in the R.O.C. over 90 days within one taxable year.

Seems that we have to pay as soon as we render a service and we are within the borders of Taiwan for more than 90 days. Which means that if we already pay taxes in our home country, we’ll be taxed twice. Which sucks.

The tax rate seems to be around 7%.

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My previous post was half-incorrect. The tax rate is 18% if you stay between 91 to 183 days. Then you’re taxed with the same progressive rate as residents.
If you are coming from a country with a double-taxation agreement with Taiwan then you’ll be able to request a receipt and subtract that from the taxes of your home country.