Welcome Andres,
I went through this process in more or less the same situation like you, so I think my answeres might help you.
There are officially no student visa in Taiwan. Just Visitor-Visas, although different ones. You have visitors-visa
for the purpose of a private stay. They are issued for most countries for 60 days and have two different kinds.
Non-extendable and extendable. The extendable ones are 2 times extendable for each another 60 days.
I don’t know if Taiwan give columbian people the extendable ones. Anyway, to extend a 60 day Visa, you need
a very good reason, organizing your wedding maybe would be one …
Be careful what kind of visitor-visa they will give you !!! On this kind of (private purpose with no working intentions)
Visitor-Visa you MUST leave Taiwan on time (60,120 or at most 180 days), otherwise you may get trouble to arrange
your JFRVisa.
If you can manage to organize all your paperworks within the first 60 days it is possible to change your visitor-visa
into a JFRVisa without leaving Taiwan. Maybe Taiwan give you 1 extension, so you would have 120 days, a second
extension is however highly unlikely.
But that needs a lot of preparations beforehand. On a shortlist: Marry in Taiwan, send the papers back to your
homecountry for regristration. Bring the home regristration back to Taiwan. All authenticated and partly notarized.
Organize your crime-free and health-check !! Not easy, time consuming. Expensive as well, I pay 10.000 NT$ plus
just alone for postage and fees …
The second way is to apply for a visitor-visa for the purpose of studying chinese at a goverment approved school.
This you prepare in Sweden. Just apply and pay the tuiton, pretty easy. Required health-check can be done here in TW.
From September you must enroll 15 hours per week (now it is 12), and more or less you have to attend the classes.
You have to keep studying all the time, if you quitt, your student status immediate ends and you should leave Taiwan.
Do not do that, because you plan to marry and this maybe causes you a big headache …
After 180 days the law then says, you must change your visitor visa to a resident-visa (purpose of studying). If you
don’t do this, same rules apply as above, you must leave.
Here is the point:
As long as you have your visitor-visa (max of 180 days), you can change to a resident Visa (fee for that 3.000 NT$).
If your wedding-date is AFTER (!!!) you apply for your student-resident-Visa, you must leave Taiwan !!
Silly, I know, but just accept it like that …
The third way:
Apply for a visitor visa and during the valid time get a work-permit. After 6 months get a resident-visa with work-permit.
If you do it this way, you can change your work-based resident visa to a JFRVisa. Ypur wedding-date is in this case not
important …
I still don’t understand why there is a big difference between way 2 and 3. The officer told me, that as a student I am
not allowed to work and with a JFRVisa I of course can do that. This change (work restriction) would not apply if you
already have a official work permit … Silly !!!
Hope this has helped you, good luck here in Taiwan