Wack anti-gay-marriage protester

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I’m so glad that anti-LGBT protesters here are just some loser with a sign standing in the rain, instead of an actual threat to our safety like in so many other places :heart:


Holds a sign against gays during the day, visits that special park at night. You know that guy thinks a little too much about what guys who dig guys do with each other in the bedroom, right?


Uhm, no? Do you? I mean, it’s ok if you do.

Wait…Is that guy anti-LGBT? I jumped the gun and assumed he was protesting the parades this past weekend. I can’t read Chinese and might have just made a case for myself to learn it.

Yes, he seems to be protesting the LGBT parade, which would make him anti-LGBT, no?

The sign reads “I’m a normal person against same-sex marriage”.


Not necessarily.

He appears to be stating he’s against same-sex marriage.

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Why is this considered wack?

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Oh, so I assumed correctly. I guess @Mr_PBH 's comment was cunty, then.

Technically true.
But in practice: I’m against interracial marriage. But I’m no racist :cactus:


Oh heavens! Nah, I just don’t like the cliche of oh he’s protesting the gays cuz he a gay too, like in secret. As if being gay in or out of the closet were wrong in some way. If that is vaginal in some way, it’s er, on you.

Well, he should fuck off and marry a woman, then. None of his business what other people do.


That would have been a better first post.

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He’s entitled to his opinion, that’s what living in a free society is about. Just because I, and presumably you, don’t agree with it doesn’t make it wack. There’s also a small percentage of homosexuals who don’t agree with same sex marriage.


Exactly. In my opinion, it’s wack.

EDIT: @SuperS54 I get what you mean. Protesting in of itself isn’t wack, but I believe his reason is wack. I’m just feeling feisty this morning.

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Then he should stfu. If that’s his opinion, he should keep it to himself and not get married to a man. Staging protests about something that doesn’t affect you or threaten the existence of others, is wack.


I need to stretch before thinking sometimes.

You’re the best.

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Wack attitude.


Viewing it as wack is an opinion.

