Wack anti-gay-marriage protester



Most wack part for me!


That is Wack

Why is that guy kissing someone who doesn’t want to be kissed?

Have you ever been in a relationship? :sweat_smile:

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I’d feel sorry for that woman, having this kind of homophobe as a partner and (potential) as a father of kids. :neutral_face:


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Maybe he is not a homophobe. Maybe he is just very religious?


What’s the difference?

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He could not actively dislike anybody and still be against same-sex marriage.

What is the difference? In the parade yesterday everyone had the opportunity to be their real selves. This guy is also entitled to display his opinion publicly.




There are lots of homophobic women here. Not openly, but in private.

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Lol nevermind.

I wouldn’t want to be married to a homophobe, but I don’t see how his homophobia would impact his wife. Children, perhaps.

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By not allowing her to have any guy friends?

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I bet he wants her guy friends to be gay

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I mean if he’s homophobic then he would be disgusted by it.

Also plenty of bi-phobic women here, it seems. Most men here don’t mind if their girlfriends are bi, but many women I’ve asked seem to mind if their boyfriends are.

EDIT: Of course, I’m talking about people in committed monogamous relationships, where one person being bi would have no affect on the relationship.

Well… of course lol

Why of course? If your partner was bi, would that have any affect on your relationship?

News flash: One of your ex’s could very well have been bi, but never told you. Would that have changed anything if you knew beforehand?

If someone is homophobic, you can expect them to be bi-phobic as well, I think is the point.

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“Of course” because of course guys like the idea of lesbians / bi girls but girls don’t like the idea of gay guys. Girls watch porn as much as men but they don’t watch gay porn…