Wack things in China

Last January, Li Hongyuan, a Huawei employee of 13 years, was arrested on extortion charges and detained until August, when he was released because of “unclear criminal facts and insufficient evidence”

He dared to ask for severance pay. 251 days in jail.

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Taiwan has been slow for twenty years but they coped pretty well with it.

I get your point though.

When it comes to China all we can say is that the CCP have been remarkably adept at holding onto the reins of power for 70 years. They continue to use advancing technology and the law to broker no dissent.
They are probably backed by the majority of the population . Its my impression large numbers of educated Chinese are also no fans of the West so they want a strong China more than anything . It probably doesn’t matter to them too much who are the govt at the the top of strong China as long as they are free to make money .

Anyway, China has next to no civil organisations so the people don’t know how to organize themselves and it’s really hard to know what’s the real thoughts out there I talked to my Chinese colleagues but I can’t get anything much out of them. They just won’t say anything ‘real’.

China is so big but we can’t even get a handle about the relative satisfaction in each region. It’s an information black hole. Oh I did get to know a lawyer in shenzhen who told me that they have started using the social rating system over the last couple of years . Shenzhen Chinese are the only ones I’ve been able to get any kind of dialogue from, probably cos they are close to HK or cos many are migrants themselves?


they have done it to one part of the country and nobody has stopped them. its not crazy to say they might start doing it elsewhere and eventually the whole country… and nobody is going to do a damn thing about it.

The majority of the population backed the Nazis in 1935 as well. Not so many backed them in 1946.

there are some very eerie, even frightening, parallels between the National Socialists and the CCP.


Yes there are many parallels.

  • pushing nationalism as the guiding principle
  • strong country fighting against humiliation
  • takng over ethnic areas in other countries, advocating for that
  • placing minority peoples in concentration camps, gradually removing their rights with rest of the population broadly supporting
  • the great leader gets into power and removes all challengers, creates a cult of personality
  • builds up military forces and industrial complex
  • campaign, jail and torture against dissenters and intellectuals not aligned with govt
  • tries to get neighbouring governments to vote for union with it by interfering in domestic politics (Austria - Taiwan )
  • steadily push their area of influence and control bigger and bigger (China sea, Pacific…) while other countries do next to nothing

Sued and won 60000 RMB court case as they couldn’t prove she was a Taiwan independence advocate .

One to keep in mind guys. :sunglasses:


So, this kid is facing a state imposed life of hardship simply because he found the military life not to his liking. He was a volunteer recruit and not a conscription. This sucks!

I wonder if US Homeland security is going to start cracking down on all the Taiwanese with US citizenship who run these “Birth Tourism” businesses. The Taiwanese businesses are not as “in your face” like the dumbass in this story, so they might be able to stay under the radar. Also, most Taiwanese can enter America without having to be interviewed and thus having to lie to AIT personnel regarding the true nature of their trip.

The US desperately needs to end the birthrite citizenship law. It’s long overdue!

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So sad. I knew it’s a problem but putting the human spin on things makes a lot of difference:


Interesting Videos. It kind of overturns @Whitehall’s Chinese people don’t speak Chinese thesis though :laughing:

Some of the speakers in the second video are speaking Xiang, for example around 19:30, I can understand it :upside_down_face: (with the subtitles…)

So uh, what’s the board policy on gore

Ah, I see, another collector of webms.

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Oh. Okay.

Their economy isn’t exactly doing great, so they need to save money. Four years ago right before/after our elections they had the rusty carrier in the strait and several planes running circles around the island. This time: a “”“leaked”"" photo of a room with a shoddy plasterboard model in it.

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Hey, Its the thought that counts. Maybe if their economy really tanks, they can get together with other despot regimes and do a “Secret Santa” kind of deal.

It’s a ninja mind trick. They have to be much faster onto the main island for multiple reasons. No time to play around with the outer islands.

Someone hasn’t been reading their Sun Tzu

“If you invade a country, but other countries don’t recognize it as a country, then other countries will obviously not interfere” - Sun Tzu