Wack Things in Taiwan 2019

Louisa Coffee just opened a huge new cafe near my apartment, with cakes, toilet, and about 30 tables. Great I though, finally a cheaper alternative to working in Starbucks.

Well, it’s already suffering from the Starbucks problem, in that it’s impossible to get a seat due to old people, students, and laptop users “camping” there all day with one drink. There’s not even WiFi, I think they’re just there for the aircon.

Oh well, at least Starbucks will be quieter.


Saw all this once at one coffee shop.


Worse behavior is at one of the Starbucks I used to go to on weekends, students will study there all morning, then go out for 30-60 minutes to get lunch somewhere cheaper but leave their bags on the seats, then come back and study more.

It’s not even nice when you get a seat there, because they floor is full of people hovering waiting for seats.


At least in western countries it doesn’t happen, as you leave your bag with no one at the table after 5 minutes, it will surely disappear.
Taiwan is too safe!!, we have to import thieves from the West and nobody will leave anything on the tables and will be more seats empty lol
Or maybe who stay more than an hour without drinking anything or buys another coffee or has to leave the table.


People in the states also get violent at the slightest provocation, particularly certain people in the south and west coast. In Taiwan if you bump into someone, especially when they’re on their phone, it’s normally a “sorry”. In the West people have gotten belligerent over this (even though it’s their fault because they’re on the phone and basically blocking the way).

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Pretty sure you’re only talking about the Yewess.
Canada’s the only place in the world that out-"sorry"s Taiwan.


I lived in Texas… sometimes I wished I had moved to Canada, or at least close to the Canada part of the US.

In my city I hear about people getting shot every few days… mostly over drug deals. Even though Texas likes to execute people for murdering people it doesn’t exactly diminish it (just like the 3 strike laws in CA doesn’t seem to stop crimes, only result in shoplifters getting 25 to life).

cold, like ice cubes and beer in a glass, Taiwanese style? :innocent:

Some places do tell you that you have two hours to sit and eat/drink. They tell you right away as you get the menu, if you do not like it, go elsewhere kind of deal. I think it is OK, especially in busy places.

Finally someone agrees with me. I always had the impression that people were stressed out of minds, looking for a fight at the slightest “provocation”. What we call in Spanish that they got up and grabbed a hammer to slam their own fingers and set the mood for the rest of the day.

In the old country you also got the same vibe on the streets… and that ended up in shootings as people drew guns to solve their differences, he looked at me funny I´ll show him I´m a man Pum PUM!.

It used to seem odd when you got a table at the restaurant and the server confirmed, then re-confirmed that you only had 90 minutes to finish your meal.

Same goes for buffets. If you are not done in 2 hours they tell you to get out.

In the US? I’ve never seen people not apologize for the most minor inconvenience, outside of California. In fact, in some ways I prefer the Taiwanese style of saying nothing if somebody accidentally bumps into you than the American style of apologizing, asking if you’re ok then trying to make small talk. The further south you go the more conventionally polite they seem to be.


I am not saying there should be gun control as I think it’s always the person behind the trigger that’s the problem. However seems in the states people are too quick to shoot, including cops.

In Taiwan becoming a cop is like getting a college degree AND a 6 month training on top of that. I heard American cops don’t get anywhere near the same amount of training.

Is that why the cops here are so awesome? :wink:


Why you gotta conflate the rest of us nonamericans? Is it the whole western world or is it just USA? pick one.

I can’t imagine people losing their shit in Italy, Canada, Norway, Sweden, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece (can list more, but I made my point.) for bumping into them unintentionally.


If you mean the fridge in your apartment, there’s a hack to make it stay colder and to save on your electricity bill. Basically, you want to keep the fridge as full as possible, so that it keeps the temperature. You can do that either by filling it up with full cans of beer (preferred) or by filling old bottles with water to fill in all the empty spaces.

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They still lose their shit, but they won’t shoot you.

Thanks @rooftopclown, mine is as full of the essentials as yours is :slight_smile:

It’s the fridges in convenience stores and supermarkets which aren’t cold enough for my palate…

Are you sure it’s the fridge problem, not the fast turnover?