Wack Things in Taiwan 2019

That was yesterday!

“The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) yesterday said that it had contacted the Hong Kong government to ask its permission to hand murder suspect Chan Tong-kai (陳同佳) over to Taiwanese prosecutors and police sent to the territory, so that he could stand trial in Taiwan.”

What? He wants to come but they don’t want him, and now they ask for HK to send him?

So many foreigners in Taiwan look like they/you just stumbled out of a tent still wearing the same yoga pants or spandex from the days before, threw their hair up into a ponytail or a bun, and grabbed whatever old worn-out slippers they could find laying around.

Most I see are tourists and they look fine. SEA Labors … manual work clothes. Old age care ladies…look fine.

Then next group I see most in my life would be biz expats they dress well.

See the odd student or teacher they were dressed fine.

Saw a few dudes in Zhonghe Yonghe San Chong Xinzhuang that looked possibly like what you describe

Are you talking about men or women or both?

Where are these mysterious foreigners you speak of ? I barely even see a few a day.

You saw that guy too?

I always see these ‘teacher’ type guys, shorts, flip-flops and they really want to blend in.:scream:
Or maybe they are just tourists?

I still have a box full of Today We All Try buttons for those of us foreigners who want to dress properly in this tropical country (ie; slacks, dress shirt(tie optional) and some smart dress shoes/loafers). We must present ourselves in a more business-like manner!

Alternatively, for only NT$500 each, I can send anyone who’s interested a TodAy we DOn’t gIvE a RoyaL fUCk button, so you can pretend you’re going to Wal Mart and slog down to Family Mart for beer and smokes in your pajamas. :+1:

You’re short, you’re forgiven. I’ll hit you some grounders next time.

Whatever, someone has to cover the low ones.

"Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) yesterday said that flag platforms should be installed on all the nation’s mountains with peaks 3,000m or higher so flag-raising ceremonies could be held on them, … "

“Although there are several hundred mountains that are 3,000m or taller, I will do my best to get it done. …"


It would be more patriotic to put Patriot missiles in all mountains over 3000 meters. Or HAARP emitters. Or something to defend the nation. I would feel more patriotic that way and the president would show his patriotism too.


He rolls up his sleeves. Is this not enough for you? It’s enough for many I talk to.

Maybe he’s going to put Chinese flags on the mountains.

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At least Ma was handsome.

whats with all the loose tiles / bricks on the paths here? is there an actual reason for it? it winds me up it does.

Ha! I knew I saw Jerry Bruckheimer at the airport with Will Smith and Lee Ang

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Sidewalks are not made for scooters and cars. The tiles are bound to come loose.

i mean. they are not even sealed to begin with.