Wack Things in Taiwan 2019

What’s up with the profile pic, @tango42?
Are you feeling abandoned like an Obike?

Yea just me and this abandoned bike sharing a moment.

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This is supposed to be dessert. Looks odd but tastes great.


Where is this? Might go well with a few drams of whisky!

Good call! They have a couple others that do have liquor.

Cool spot n atmosphere, open late, ice cream first floor, live music on second floor.

昭和浪漫冰室 Showa Ice
106, Taipei City, Da’an District, Wenchang Street, 47號1F

Showing up after 11:00 pm only works if you bring mariachis.

“Murder suspect is barred from Taiwan for now”
“They need to appear in person at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office Hong Kong to submit a travel application themselves and pass the screening process before the government would consider allowing their visit …”

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I’m confused…and I read the entire article. Taiwan wants him back for a murder trial, yet is barring his entry? Someone please explain for my puny brain.

You foreigners just don’t understand how Taiwan works!

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This is weird, all the Chinese language news has reported he’s agreed to return to Taiwan for trial only on the condition that they promise to not seek the Death Penalty.
But I haven’t seen that detail mentioned in any of the English media reports.

That’s a pretty major omission.

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Okay which one are you furriners was riding a ubike and walking down the street with a tabby cat on their shoulder?

Red or brown?

White. The furriner was white. Too dark to see the color of the cat.

The linked article does not say the accused is barred entry. It says the Anglican priest who wants to accompany the accused back to Taiwan is barred.

(And because this is the case that, in part, started the Hong Kong protests, I’m willing to believe there’s more political wrangling and posturing in this case than might be normal.)

I saw that, but the article (including the headline) indicates that the accused (Chan) is also barred:

the National Immigration Agency has barred Koon from visiting for security reasons, and Chan as well.

the council said yesterday that Hong Kong authorities must present more evidence that the murder case is part of a bilateral judicial cooperation process, before the ban on Koon and Chan would be lifted.

I haven’t read the Chinese version yet, so I supposed it could be another mistraslation (?)

Seems like the accused (Chan) could only come if accompanied by the priest (Koon). But since Koon was barred, it resulted in Chan also not being allowed to entry Taiwan.

What the fuck?

It’s a trap. If Taiwan bites the bait, they will probably say we agree with the law / are part of China or worse.

Something is fishy when both PRC and KMT agree on the guy coming back.


Yeah they don’t want to agree with the extradition law as it stands. They could stick the guy on a plane or something…

Maybe Fish’s long game is to start a trend where all those locals who absconded to Big Red can be brought back for reckoning?