Wack Things in Taiwan 2019

I’m, uh…sure she’s a sterling individual?

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No, they can’t. Not even yi er san. You don’t really need to in Wanhua :slight_smile:

I am going to have to “wack” myself ( so to speak) .Saw a newly arrived furriner today in my local 7/11 . Now what they did not know is that I have a regular banter in Taigi with the staff for fun almost every day .
2 or 3 staff wittering away to me and it must have sounded so fluent to the newb . They stayed on script fortunately …but I am thinking the furriner must have thought how easy the language is to learn :whistle: :salute:

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I’d like to spend more time down your way or farther. It’s usually pointless even trying up here

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Plan B

To me my wife’s family has and obsession with giving fruit and vegetables to each other which is at the level of being wack. Very rare indeed do they see each other without exchanging fruit/vegetables.
Last week, wife’s sister was passing through Hualien where we live so got her friend to drive to our house to give up a box of fruit (which my wife told her not to buy for us). That night the sister called to say she gave us the wrong box of fruit (same fruit but the bigger fruit is for us, the small fruit is for her friend). So the next morning my wife has to drive to her hotel to get the fruit. One week later my wife is going to visit her mother in the west side of Taiwan so she carts this box with her on the 6 hour train ride. The sister simply will not believe we do not eat the fruit she bought. There is nothing my wife can say to her to make her believe…but sometimes I am not polite and simply tell her the fruit/vegetables will go to rot sitting at our house. I AM NOT GOING TO EAT IT! Then the sister will back down and not make us carry a case of fruit with us on the train.
One time the brother brought bananas from Yunlin to his home in Banqiao. Then next day took bananas to sister in Taipei. Next day sister used motorcycle to bring bananas to my wife. Since we cannot eat this many bananas we then carry the bananas on the company bus to Hsichih to give to colleagues. This case is very normal for them.


Why don’t you just eat the fruit


No kiddin.
Free food, what a miserable existence.


I’ll give you my address and you can send any unwanted fruit to me!

Is the fruit in this story a euphemism for some illicit substance? :confused:

That would be a fun family.

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For the second time in as many days, one is compelled to quote young Jesse Pinkman:

Anyone who doesn’t like pineapple is an asshole.



We have eaten and given away tons of fruit and vegetables. A crate of garlic can last a year … but a crate of oranges eventually goes bad. For about five years my wife’s mother would buy 20 crates of oranges from her neighbor which allowed her to ship fruit to the kids any time she felt the urge. Oranges were shipped to Taipei to be reshipped to us to be distributed to every friend we knew. Vegetables have rotted away in our fridge when we did not have time to redistribute to friends. Our neighbors find us interesting that when they bring us any fruit/vegetables they often leave with a much larger bag than they brought.


Sorry, what’s your address? :slight_smile: As a neighbor, I assure you, rotting fruit and veggies will be a thing in the past!

Do your in-laws bring steaks too, by any chance?


Icon’s Terrible Tuesdays…



Nothing wack about that. Kid strapped to parent on scooter wearing a helmet. If anything, the helmet is commendable. Kids strapped to parents on scooters is pretty normal.

Would I do that with my kids? No.
But luckily I have a car to go places. For many, scooter or public transport is the only option.

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He has some kind of belt strapped between him and the kid. Yes I admire the helmet for sure. The kid was flailing around all over the place.

Maybe no way the kid would fall off but it sure looks scary and dangerous as hell.

I think if I did that back home people would be calling the police immediately or probably just taking it into their own hands and trying to get me to pull over.

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