Wack Things in Taiwan 2019

I had it like once during my time there and always thought it was crap. It was way too sweet. If I was ever in the area I usually had Starbucks.



wo yao!

Taiwan/HK Old Navy is offering the same Black Friday deals and prices as their US site and delivers to Taiwan for free if you spend more than 2000nt. The catch? Their site requires you to enter an ID number when checking out. It doesn’t accept APRC numbers or passport numbers. Only Taiwanese ID numbers.

Yeah, that’s wack.:angry:

There’s still a good Black Friday deal going on at the GAP if you can physically make it out to Xinyi. Or shizhengfu.

Perhaps I’m mistaken, but I thought you were married to a local? That would solve the ID number issue.

One doesn’t always want to be dependent on their spouse.


You can just pay her back. :idunno:

I’m so sick of wearing the virtual dog collar because I’m a piece of garbage “foreigner”!


How so brother ?

Because I am not a citizen, there are so many things I am unable (prohibited) to do or have and that requires my wife to hold my leash and co-sign or do simple tasks for me. Its impossible to be independent because of this.


Can you name a few examples? Only one that pissed me off was buying an apartment, the rest I have the authority myself

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I don’t want to have another public melt down, so you can just look at my profile and read my comments in the necessary threads.

I will, however, share a Costco anecdote which just occurred this past week at Beitou Costco (Guandu).

I ventured out of my hovel to pick up some coffee beans and some other inconsequential items and just do some window shopping for fun by myself, without my dog collar and leash!

When it came time to pay, I gave my Costco membership card to the cashier and she asked how I’d like to pay. I pulled out my Visa debit card (not credit card) and handed it to her. She said that she couldn’t accept it because it wasn’t specifically the Costco Cathay Visa card as that was the only one I could use. I gently told her that in America, Costco members can use ANY Visa card and we arent restricted to only using the Costco branded Visa card.

She replied, “But, here is Taiwan! If you don’t have the Cathay Costco Visa card, you must pay cash.”

So, since this has been an issue I’ve faced over the past 20 years, adnauseum, I always carry about $30,000 NTD on my person at all times. I took out the required cash, paid the bill and meekly left the line. I needed some more public humiliation, shame and embarrassment, so I went to the service desk to apply for that fancy super especial Costco Cathay Visa card.

They wouldn’t let me fill out a credit card application, “because you are a foreigner and they don’t let foreigners get this credit card”. She “helpfully” suggested that I put on my dog collar, connect the leash and have my wife lead me back into Costco, so she could co-sign the credit card for me.

I thanked her profusely for her kind suggestion and I tucked my tail between my legs and slinked out of Costco and went home where I had a nice long cry, wailing over and over again, “I’m such a piece of garbage, in America I was somebody, but here is Taiwan and I’m just a lousy foreigner! Boo boo boo boo”


I still laugh at the story in the bank.:joy:
Dude I had major meltdowns multiple times over the years but not in the last ten as it was just putting me in terrible moods.


I’m a miserable wanker, that’s for sure!

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This one is cheesy but has its uses.

‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.’


Thanks for letting me know there is a Costco credit card here. I’ll get one ASAP. I spend a small fortune there.

To add inside to injury, nope, you can be a furriner and still get the precious, very useful, pays for itself Costco card.

Or rather: One shouldn’t be dependent on the spouse always.

It backfires badly. Here or anywhere else.

P.S. There is an automatic ID number generator online…


Link? I would like to be entertained by someone else’s misfortune, please.

I got my Costco CC from Cathay. But still needed the Ms there to co-sign. You know, just in case I run off, then they can go after her to pay my bill. :roll_eyes: