Wack Things in Taiwan 2019

Ha. I think there would’ve been a few f and c words (Taiwanese equivalent thereof) flying around while that shelving was moved…

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If you have enough people you hold it at the base and lift in unison. If somebody isn’t paying attention it can get messy.

Burger King today

Burger, fries, drink (Whopper meal) = NT$149
Burger, drink (no fries) = NT$143

He tried hard to get me to pick one of the fry substitutes but I said no many times and then realize he didn’t know how to ring up on cash register so had to call manager over to help.

I enjoy the odd BK, but sadly only one in Taichung

My ode to Taiwan :yum:



Wack! (not waaaack) :slight_smile:

Which I could get to that level of Zen. My life would be much easier then.

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Come on, Wang Hanbao fries are not that bad. Though Mai Hanbao makes better fries.

Agree on the latter.

The other guy using the urinal: two hands on his phone, zero on his todger

I hope he still washes his hands…I’d say most cell phones are even dirtier than dingles these days.

Dingles? :joy:

Dingles. Dongles. Dangles. You know what I’m sayin? You pickin up what I’m puttin down?

Penises are generally much cleaner than hands. It would be more hygienic if we shook people’s penises rather than their hands.


True! And that’s why cell phones are so nasty.

But also…I know a couple STD-ridden sexpats who would beg to differ…:face_vomiting:

There is a lot in that statement. Your
a) friends
b) sexpats
c) catching STDs.

Taking the bus as a healthy young individual on a not too hot and not rainy to get to the MRT 200m up/down the road. Waiting for the bus takes longer than walking.

If used as a vibrator!

Inferring! Acquaintances at best…you keep your distance after learning that about someone.