Wack Things in Taiwan 2020

Dunno, thought it was wack.


Stack overflow?


There are a lot more trash cans than there used to be at least.

Obviously I don’t know you, but I gots to say that at my gym approximately 99% of the males are not exactly out to set world records. I see guys every day maxing out a bench press with a 10kg plate on either end of a 45lb barbell. That’s 89lbs total. Trembling like a dog shittin’ peach pits after. I got a leg that weighs that much.

There’s also a young, pretty (I think) Phillipina who’s pretty curvy and strong (I’ve seen her squat close to 90kg) and who has the manager wrapped around her little finger in a way she seems pretty content with.

But the guys, sheesh. I don’t know, man, I think they are seriously under muscled or it’s the soy or something.


i go to a crappy gym and i just try not to look at what other people are doing. even the people who know what they are doing are a pain in the ass.
like the guy who just collected all the weights he would need to use for his session, cus who cares about who else needs to use the gym?
or the guy who moved the bench into the smith machine. hogging two places, making a mess of the place and looking like a dickhead.

things are a right shit show now due to the new years newb influx.

I take it as a sign that CNY is coming…:grin:

Yeah gym behaviour here…man.
If you can’t beat em join em. :grin:

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You’re standing in front of the mirror doing shoulders, watching your form and some clueless cnut will walk in front of you, pick weights off the rack and start doing whatever excuse for an exercise he/she does while there is 100 feet of mirror on either side the prick could do it at.

I’d say at least they are trying.
I see old folks (ladies and men) doing sooo many funny things I don’t film out of respect for the elderly. But you know what? It is better than sitting at home stuffing their face with Mc and cheese. Same things for the youngsters, better trying funny things at the gym than becoming obese because of laziness. At least they got their foot out the door, now they need to step up and learn how to properly do the right thing.

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There’s never hundred feet between you in any gym in Taiwan . Even one foot is luxury.:sunglasses::joy:
My friend in the US shares his crossfit workouts in what he calls a ‘gym’ but I call it a ‘warehouse’.:grinning:

the just trying argument is cool and all but that just clogs the gym up even more! sometimes i feel like chinese culture makes people immune to embarrassment. like theres one pretty old woman in the gym i go to. pretty old and pretty fat and shes wearing some kind of sports bra thing like its not a big deal. its horrendous.

I go to a gym with a lot of older folks and I have a lot of respect for them. Couple of them have health problems like strokes . They are on the treadmill, they are doing the bikes, the weight machines. There’s even a blind lady. Most of them are not fat intetestingly not that I would judge them for being fat .

The ones that annoy me are the young people sitting on the machines playing their phones for twenty mins, or the guy that puts his towel on the bench and then goes off to the treadmill.


For those I get angry too.


It’s really shitty to shame people just for being old or fat or thin or buff or whatever else at the gym. Gym-goers only deserve to be shamed for bad gym etiquette.


You’re too nice. I’ve seen this and thrown the towel someplace else and gotten an ear full. I just asked how many machines the guy was going to use at the same time.

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I actually am.not that nice, I had a barney with one guy who of course in typical fashion thought he lost face gave some stupid excuse and got angry. I just sent the gym staff to.deal with him then.

I am vegan but I can see how this wouldn’t be a good picture to have in a restaurant.

I think the weight room/gym mimics life in many ways. I mean, all social behaviors are there. For example, many, many years ago, I used to work out at this gym in Korea with a good number of tattooed gangster types. Not the scooter kids, wannabe gangster types you run into here, but the big and rough-looking, bouncer type of guys. I still remember this one. The biggest of them all. But also the kindest and gentlest guy you ever met. I wouldn’t want to get on his bad side, though. And you see this at every gym. Also, like the real world, the guys who have nothing to prove are the nicest, most soft-spoken, etc. There are exceptions, of course, but it seems to be true most of the time.


Not really directed at you (see below), but to everyone discussing hogging the machines and benches. I’ve asked to work in a set and the answer has never been no. This is never done here so you might get a puzzled look or two. I’ve never encountered the towel while doing something else, though. That’s the worst etiquette I can think of and probably deserves what you do.

I wasn’t shaming anyone for being fat or old. But if you are mega fat dont wear a bikini with your gut hanging out. Its just common sense.