Wack Things In Taiwan 2021

Some people walk all the way to the back of the line to return to get the escalator, waste of time and energy.

I think you mean ‘pai hsieh’ (‘excuse me’ in Taiwanese).
As for me, I’m old enough that I’m glad of the chance to rest. People should definitely stand on the right and leave the left clear for the fast-movers, though.

I vote to stop all walking and running on escalators. If you want to run down the stairs…okay…but the moving, narrow escalator…not okay.

Many times have I been bumped into by bags and elbows of people running down escalators. Why do I need to worry about staying out of their way? If carrying bags I need to keep out of their way.

I have even seen people walking and almost sprinting down the escalator while looking at their phones. For those of you who want to get up 5 minutes later by sprinting through the MRT…I suggest leaving earlier.

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Been hunting an elusive mosquito in my house. Finally cornered it. Zapped it with an electric racquet. 3 zaps / pops and I thought it was done for. Lying there motionless on the wire mesh, I zapped it one more time just for revenge…

It flew up and tried to escape! 4 zaps and the damn mosquito was still ALIVE! What it didn’t calculate was me having a slipper in the other hand. Smashed it good and dead.

So yeah…Taiwan’s once unzapable mosquito = wack.


Great story. The suspense held me throughout.

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They are evolving. :eek:


New mosquito “variants.” Watch out! :grin:



The scourge of new, more dangerous dengue fever and malaria! Kill them all!

A mosquito chomped on one of my cats a while back. She had a big abscess and infection at the bite area. Cats are such pussies.

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And some progress has been made:

Eh? This is not a “wack thing in Taiwan.”


Globalisation. Its the World Wide Wack

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Well, it’s operated by Evergreen, so maybe it should be "Wack Things From Taiwan.


Or a “Wrack Thing From Taiwan”

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Here’s a “Wrack Thing In Taiwan”, at a river mouth near me, right next to the shiny new Coast Guard Station

Who says Taiwanese don’t do irony?

Couple of years ago though so its been cut up and sent to China by now.https://bobistheoilguy.com/forums/attachments/img_8843-jpg.2058/

uBiker throws chewing gum on a streamer

Her face says everything!

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Funny. That’s like the face I make when these people start their streaming and YouTubing in the restaurant I’m eating at.

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When the worker stopped to check the ladies ticket/card the lady hit her and started complaining…fine seems pretty cheap.

The fine includes NT$7,500 for five instances of fare jumping on the MRT (NT$1,500 for each time) and NT$7,500 for slugging a station worker.

You could buy a car for that.

(Well. I bought mine for that)

Why would you call someone a Ubiker? I’ve used them, but dont think I;m defined by that,.

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