Wack Things in Taiwan 2022


Actually guy fell asleep at the wheel… but still, amazing…

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Is that a more recent update? They said 恍神 when I was watching the news.

I saw it yesterday, Liberty Times I think. I had to look after seeing that unusual formation.

This guys bike helmet



Is “flowers” a euphemism?

Not clear in the pic, but it’s a field of 油菜.


Reebark should be barking deer?

What a tool!

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All the tissue here has to scream “interfold design,” as if it’s some great discovery of modern times. Does anyone even sell anything that is no longer interfold design? I know back home there is nothing else for tissue paper that comes in a rectangular package. Am I the only one that thinks this is wack?

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Yes. :slightly_smiling_face:



I always thought that the Kirkland brand was redesigned for the market here. Hmmm. Maybe it’s wack that this really bothers me.

I agree it doesn’t need to be highlighted, but I see no wack on that.

3-ply, however, is quite unique!

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If it’s any consolation, single ply, flat stacked tissues are still sold here, but less common these days, so I guess it makes sense to make the distinction anyway.


Got excited cause I saw Reese’s at Hilife.

Turns out they apparently only sell a pack of two in Taiwan? What a gip! They think Taiwanese don’t know any better.

I feel insulted. They’re supposed to be in threes.

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Just saw next week its one of those stupid makeup days on the Saturday.

They are the wackest thing in Taiwan. I hate them so much because its either waste a Saturday at work or waste a holiday to book a day off.

I will always rant about them when they crop up.


And everybody keeps talking about inflation when its deflation we are seeing

Deflation of my favourite chocolate is what it is!

Scoundrels! Shrinkflation at its worst!

I just don’t go. lmao.


Day off for me!