Wack Things in Taiwan 2022

And that’s immediately put me off from going abroad. Three plus four – fine, I can cope with that.

But the risk of being carted off to a government hotel, or even just having to go two weeks unable to leave my house again (and being on the man’s radar–I couldn’t just say fuck it and go out anyway because if spotted, I’d get a fine). I dont think I could deal with it. I don’t handle stressful situations well at all.

It is possible that if you’re at home and test covid positive that you don’t get moved to a government hotel.

The guidance kind of says follow the same procedures as other people that have covid and call a phone number and get some medical advice over the phone and then they will guide you whether to go see a doctor or next steps.

I mean even people in Taiwan that get covid don’t necessarily get recommended to see a doctor. They say monitor your health and body temperature and then at some point decide if it’s appropriate to go to a doctor or not

I saw that too. Does that mean they are saying you don’t need to report it unless you need a doctor’s help/medicine.

Not since June under Taiwan rules, but it also depends on the rules of your destination.


Report yes, so you can get government compensation, medical attention or at least a package of instant noodles.

If you get sick, it is only one week quarantine at home/in special facility and one week self monitoring - you can go out to buy groceries or even work if you test negative on your quick home test.

Time frame applies whether you get sick while planning to get out if the country or while just working/living/existing here in Taiwan.

If you do not have a pre existing condition, like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. and are under 65, then you can do quarantine at home. Now you can be with other people as long as you have your own room.

You are taken to a government facility if previous accomodations are not suitable for isolation and/or you have a condition that requires monitoring.

Most folk getting sick nowadays stay at home, have medicine delivered, recover easily. But there is the ocasional bad reaction, oxymeter a must to determine if a hospital call is required.

I think it is more stressful to be afraid of going bankrupt if you get sick. Here you are covered by NHI.

What government compensation?

I said if you don’t need medical attention.

I don’t like instant noodles

Well, if you take days off work, you should still get paid - though I understand teachers might be under a different frame. And you still need a doctor’s note so the time off may not be taken out of your few vacation days. Most places require a note for anything over two days downtime.

You are entitled to stay home, have medicine delivered, get assistance if required. You pay taxes. Maybe the lizhang can arrange to get your garbage out.

Well, most people I know who got sick do not feel like cooking. I’d rather have paomien than canned Campbell but whatever can be consumed with minimal effort is ok. How about cookies?


Now we’re back on topic!

If something thinks they have a bad boss, read the story linked immediately above. It may make you feel better. Or possibly not.


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Why aren’t the police prosecuting this guy?

It always comes down to suing someone rather than criminal charges.

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Pool table in Zhongshan district? Any guesses?


The article doesn’t say he’s claimed diplomatic immunity though. That would occur after he’s been arrested/charged. But he hasn’t been.

He beat his wife into a coma, but she’s decided not to press charges - and the police are ok with that, which is obviously not right. Domestic violence victims shouldn’t have the choice to not procecute.

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I agree that it’s obviously not right.

The guy sounds like a first-class cnut. They’re certainly not sending their best.

But yeah, it’s weird how selective the police are in the way crimes are prosecuted. I assume it comes down to the mechanics of the way prosecutions are brought - similar issues occur, for example, in the UK, where the CPS will often not bother to prosecute if it’s “not in the public interest”, or will prosecute for a minor crime with a higher chance of conviction or a lower cost to the State.

“a restaurant in Taipei’s Zhongshan District”

Could just be a restaurant or lots of bars masquerade as restaurants and have a pool table and stay open till the last person leaves even if it’s at sunrise.

One of the dive bars maybe My Place 石洞 but they’re not really any type of restaurant or one in Tiao Tong 條通.

His dinner started at 5:00 p.m. and he got arrested at 4:00 a.m.

That’s a bit o’ drinking.

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My first thought was Brass Monkey

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The boundaries of wack keep expanding, now into the realm of plastic surgery.

In case it’s not clear, no this is not legally permitted as a side hustle.


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workers – had been giving injections and performing surgery on their clients such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, and suction-assisted lipectomy, the corps said in a statement.

I struggle to believe this. Botox injections yes. Breast implants, no way. Where would they get the equipment? It would cost a fortune to set up.

There would definitely be pictures of their set up if they were putting people under and doing nose jobs.