Was Kratom just banned in Taiwan?

I wouldn’t assume anything you say is true on the subject because your post is factually incorrect. If it’s your job to know this stuff, you’re doing your job poorly.

Kratom and cathinones are not related compounds.

Here’s some real info for anyone interested…


Actually you are correct I confused Khat and Kratom for some reason in a couple of posts :no_mouth:.

Kratom’s active ingredient is mitragynine. Miyragynine is also routinely tested for in many countries. But I don’t know of any designer drugs based on mitragynine/Kratom (unlike Khat and the synthetic cathinones ).

No surprise when Dark Occultists rule the world. I don’t need anyone to tell me what substance I can and can not ingest. Ignorance is the root of all evil and loss of liberty goes with it.

It is insane , all by design. Fear and ignorance is used to keep humanity docile and willing slaves. The further we get away from Natural Law , the more chaos and loss of liberty will manifest. That simple.

Curious about GcMaf. I would hedge a bet it is banned.

I found out recently that there are clinical trials ongoing in South East Asia with the active ingredient , mitragynine…