Watching U.S. Election Results

Sorry but why is “Andrew Yang” an embarrassment?

Sorry, replied to wrong post…

I think his ideas are inevitable. There will come a time when AI and machines will handle almost all the labor and manufacturing. We need to plan for that. Basic cornucopia for all is definitely possible.

His book was good. Some pie in the sky, and some social engineering, but I wouldn’t say embarrassing.

Is there a Taipei trump watching party? Or only biden?
Curious asking for a friend

Looking at the results so far, it’s going to be damn close to 50-50.

Wonder how the EC will sort that out.

As of now fox news shows trump with a advantage
Who is showing 50/50?

My prediction last night around 1AM

I think I got most of it right, except Pennsylvania. I also didn’t bother to with the split votes in Maine and Nebraska.

Other than that, it seems like this is what we’ll end up with:

I have been keeping up on Al-Jazeera English. Biden is in the lead at 264 votes from the electoral college. 6 more and he will win.

PA will go blue almost certainly.

Trump out of cord in AZ for those wondering, Biden’s lead too big there, almost 100% in.

Still waiting on Nevada.

Out of last sample of 600K mail in PA votes, Biden is scorching Trump, well above what he needs to take over. Could be a 200K win for Biden in PA.

btw for whatever reason NV won’t release for another 10-11 hours. Looks like it might be another wait cause PA won’t be finished soon either.