Water rationing 2021

Is this current? Still so low?


There are heavy rains forecast for Saturday and Sunday all over Taiwan. Hopefully more easing of the drought will come.

I’m expecting this year will be abundant rain… too abundant probably.

Drought update after a week with a fair bit of rain: I’ve taken a few screenshots of reservoir levels (from here), to see how much the rains have improved things. And in many cases not all that much, although as others have pointed out, presumably a day’s rain in the watershed doesn’t necessarily get to the reservoir for a few days.

This site shows a map of the reservoirs and is a fairly good source for trying to figure out which ones are more important.

May 29:

June 5, today:


I was wondering about that… like when the reservoir level is low why aren’t they digging the silt out of the bottom? I mean these silt would presumably be good for concrete.

They have been, was reported in the news many times over the last few months.


Water rationing was dismissed.


Waiting for tomorrow’s announcement that water will be turn off in Taoyuan and other places due to turbid water!

English article on FocusTaiwan now: