What are some low stress fun part time jobs where you can socialize?

I also find it puzzling that foreigners cannot be Uber drivers but then the law forbids us from buying farm land and owning pick up trucks -a la blue trucks- so I guess it is one of those things I do not understand (they want those jobs for Taiwanese only).

Foreigners in government jobs are in a different category. There are levels and categories even for locals. So we have some perks but not the 18% for example. There are even part timers and free lancers but those are considered working for the government not government workers, if you get my meaning.

Personally, I’d like to make a tv program of an APRC foreigner working different local jobs. Like 7-11 or IKEA, a la Japan.

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Bunch of entitled idiots running around thinking the world owes them something and that they deserve more.

Just look at generationally on welfare families and listen to how they talk.

Charities are the same, I have a few as clients. They’re way loser with their money than my business clients cos no one there earned it.

This is wrong. These trucks are commercial vehicles which get registered to companies, or used by farmers who own farmland. I bought my 4wd using my company as it could not be bought even as a citizen for personal use at the time. Now people complain I only pay NT$5150 tax per year for my 3.2l turbo diesel. Yah commercial vehicle rates.

Dave was asking about PR working as Uber drivers.

Now this thread has turned into a conversation between you and TL about government jobs which Dave wasn’t even asking about in the first place. :joy:


I went back and read my own messages because even I was starting to think I mentioned government jobs. :joy:


Just like now, with 20 % inflation.

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