What are you doing today?

I’m drinking whatever is handed to me. Far from Taipei.


Not in Taiwan but I wanted to bore a few more people :sunglasses:


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I don’t like the taste of plain water but I think plain water is better than Bar Beer


I prefer 爽 beer.
It’s just so…爽.



Haven’t tried that. Is it any good?

Better than bar beer that is for sure.

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Went to the North coast today. Pretty easy, almost no people, windy and cool. Not very comfortable for kids. On the way back passed Costco to buy some groceries, saw the parking lot full on all levels, decided to give up and go for groceries another day.


Talk about damning with faint praise… :grin:


Today I dug a hole in the garden to bury my cat.

He wasn’t game. So I planted a tree instead.


He knows what game you’re playing. Just look at him.

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Today was my day to go there for a walk.
Even with some light rain, it’s quite nice here.


Any interesting bird sightings there?

Not the botanical gardens: I’ve got a magpie nest on a ledge above my office at work. Neat to see the birds flying in and out, even if their … nest construction? … is a bit noisy. But the other day I had a look at it from another building, and realized that nest is HUGE and may be about the size of a small car. I don’t know if that’s just what magpies do unchecked, or if this is several years worth of adjacent nests piled up next to / on top of one another. There are a couple of more reasonably sized nests further along the edge. Now I’m wondering if something should be done about that.

So birds and nests are cool and seeing them is always welcome. On the other hand, I’m spending Sunday afternoon in my office because it’s easier to focus here than at home, and yet I’m STILL spending time on forumosa because I’m a moron and marking essays gets dull. (And I need to keep checking the essays for plagiarism so I can’t just activate the various “keep me offline” timers I have, argh.)

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They are all hiding from the rain.
Not many animals around, aside for a few squirrels and some fellow homo sapiens


Yesterday I saw blue magpie, ducks, grebes (with a cute baby that was small enough to fit in your palm), blue heron, night heron, egret, and heard plenty of owls.


You don’t happen to know of a website here with the sounds of local birds, do you? I’ve got decent bird books for Taiwan, and good apps for birds in North America (bird calls included), but don’t know of a way to identify local birds by sound.

Boy that last sentence sounds like a really, really weird dating advice request.


Nope, sorry. But there’s usually a local birder around who can tell you what it is.


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Today was grocery shopping day. No social distance whatsoever in Costco, although I’d about 15% less people than the usual.

What kind?

I think I’ve seen a site or two, I’ll take a look. Once I emailed a recording to local birders who id’d it for me.

Another weekend coming. What are my fellow Forumosans plans? After all these zeros I am thinking to stretch my legs and go on a mini trip on the island. Haven’t decided where yet. Somewhere not far, not crowded.