What are your prejudices?

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Tommy525 -
That is COW HOLLOW not “Pacifc friggin Heights”. I know the place of which you speak. I used to be a part owner of a wine shop there on Union & Filmore. One block away from an area known as the “Bermuda Triangle.” Young yuppies would go there on friday night and disappear until Sunday mornings.

HOLLOW COW !! what the fcuk do I know? IM an imported american.

Actually come to think of it there is a small store not far from there called the Hollow Cow I think or …anyway i dont know where cow hollow begins/ends and when pac heights begins. But its where the rich live (and I do NOT).

unrelated but im kinda prejudiced gainst girls with mustaches and phat chicks (cuz then they look too much like me )

I’m with you on that one. So, I’ll see your “hairy nipples”, and I’ll raise you “women with hair under their arms and on their legs”.[/quote]
Where’s that damn vomit icon…

Also, those snow boots TW chicks wear all times of the year; and unclean nails, not in that order. Unclean nails reeks of poor hygiene. Also the glittery crap on their eyelids. And apparently not-gay but gay-looking little Chinese boys. And that mole with a beard. And that one extra long fingernail on a dude. And did someone say Big Eye with color contacts yet? And carrying an umbrella to protect their British-inbred pale skin from natural sunlight.[/quote]

How’s the view from up there? Those people probably got dirty fingernails fixing the car you drive, growing the vegetables you eat, or hauling away your trash.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]There is currently a thread going on about ‘CBC’ vs ‘White Faces’ and a pay scale disparity.
In reading it several instances of admitted [personal “prejudices” are mentioned. I think we all have these and are consciously or unconsciously guided by them in our choices and decisions in life.

I’ll admit to these, and more as the thread progresses.

I dislike being around loud people.

I have always preferred Asian (Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese) Chinese medicine practitioners.

I do not trust French automobiles. Same for lower priced Italian cars.

I have never really thought helicopters should be able to fly. Lord knows I have spent untold hours in them; it just never seemed like a good idea. (lack of glide-slope thing)

I have never liked Nike footwear.

I prefer a man as a bartender.

I think a college degree is not something most people should strive to obtain. It will, ultimately, prove a waste of their time and effort.

While I respect their choice and do not dis-agree with most of the health claims, I view vegetarianism as an unnatural choice for a human being.

I do not like passive-aggressive people. While I do prefer motivated persons, I also am suspect of people who act overly aggressive for no obvious reason.

I tend to judge people by how they treat people who can do nothing for them.

I think sweater-vests are ridiculous.

Most people, myself included, should not wear tight-fitting clothing.

Almost all of the shoes I see for sale on Taiwan are stupid looking. Boxy, square-toed affairs made from material discarded by the local laboratory.

Good manners should be learned in ones youth and constantly improved through ones life.

I dislike people who try to impress me. Good thing that rarely happens.

I dislike people who seek to raise themselves by belittling others.

People who proclaim their self an expert rarely are. Like-wise people who accuse others of “not doing their research” usually have not done their own.

I think people who carry those dogs around are stupid and self-absorbed.

I think one has to reach a certain level of perspective before their opinions are worth taking seriously.

I admit that I have prejudices.

…to be continued.

How about yours?[/quote]
A lot of these don’t seem to be unreasonable prejudgements, rather judgements, beliefs and opinions. I don’t know if anyone else said that because I haven’t waded through 10 pages. I was going to start exactly the same thread in reaction to the anti-Americanism thread on International politics, but I obviously found this first.

I hate the word garbage. And American spelling. That’s an irrational prejudice.