What can be done to help our SEA friends currently suffering

Starting a petition is illegal?! :open_mouth:

I recall when employees were mistreated they protest outside the CEO’s house…

Yes. We’re foreigners here, mostly. We don’t have rights. While the Democratic Progressive Party is more tolerant and foreigner friendly than the former Kuomintang government. You can’t get protest permits if you are a foreigner.

Also, protesting can be interpreted as not part of the conditions on your ARC or visa and you can be deemed as partaking in activities that don’t fit your ARC’s purpose.

It’s rather vague.


Oh, yeah that’s right.

Maybe legal representation through an SEA worker affiliated organization would be better.

Most of us are foreigners here



you can donate to migrant workers organizations.

If you want to do more, you can

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Please read my post again.

:eek: :eek: :eek: The exact opposite in my experience but then everyone’s circumstance is different.

I read the article with Google translate. It looks like an opinion piece with suggestions for the government. My knowledge of this situation is limited and it would be a full-time project for me to investigate. If anyone has specific migrant workers associations that are taking some actions and can direct aid to the workers, I’m sure there are many Forumosans and others who will send donations (either monetary/toiletries/food products). I wouldn’t randomly sent money to people that haven’t been vetted.


The biggest organization is TIWA https://www.tiwa.org.tw

You could ask them where you can donate those items for workers. My guess is local associations could take some direct actions to the migrant workers.

There are also listed some organizations at the end of their proposal/request letter to the MOL.


台灣移工聯盟:海星國際移工服務中心 (Stella Maris)、平安基金會所屬勞工關懷中心(LCC)、天主教會新竹教區移民移工服務中心(Hsinchu Migrants and Immigrants Service Center, HMISC)、天主教希望職工中心 (Hope Workers Center, HWC)、天主教台灣明愛會(Caritas Taiwan)、台灣國際勞工協會(Taiwan International Workers Association, TIWA)

桃園市家庭看護工職業工會 (Domestic Caretaker Union, DCU)
台灣國際移民培力協會 (Taiwan International Migrants Mission, TIMM)
桃園市產業總工會(TaoYuan Confederation Trade Union, TYCTU)
台灣汽車貨運暨倉儲業產業工會Taiwan Logistics Industrial Union

You could also send an inquiry on the legality of Miaoli’s regulations to relevant authorities.


Whoa. I plugged the above Chinese characters into Google, and it looks like there are some Taiwanese who are not too happy with it. Is it still in force?

Here you will read a bullshit.

and what CDC said


Code for secondary class citizens.


I’ll need some time to create a PR disaster response.


The first article I can paraphrase as 'the pandemic prevention law means the government can do anything ’ and 'we cage them for their own good ’


We cage them for the common good.

Why wasn’t Wanhua and Panchiao locked down ? That was the epicentre of this epidemic.


It is embarrassing that CNA doesn’t report it.


Hopefully KMan reports on it.

I hope this violation of basic human rights makes the international news. The best way to make the government back down on this is to make them lose face overseas (丟臉丟到國外去).


Gotta make it look good so Boss Tsai can continue the Southbound Policy!

CNA is becoming like ChinaDaily.

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On June 4 he reported on the King Yuan Electronics Corporation’s Chairman’s statement, which is quoted below in part:

Keoni Everington, “48 migrant workers, 3 Taiwanese test positive for COVID at KYEC chip plant,” Taiwan News, June 4, 2021 (words in square brackets were added by me)

This is an excerpt from a Liberty Times article, also on June 4:

記者彭健禮/苗栗報導, “京元電子為維持產能急Call員工上班、議員批 董事長李金恭:停工茲事體大,” Liberty Times, June 4, 2021

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