What can be done to help our SEA friends currently suffering

Lads make it rain on this page, this is the miaoli county magistrates page Redirecting...


finally, they reported.

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I hope they don’t actually think this. It would be a very bad sign indeed. It wasn’t that long ago that Taiwan had a government that genuinely thought they could do whatever they felt like doing … and they did.

Plenty of middle-aged and older people who will remember those days.

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“happiness.miaoli”? Love it.

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I was thinking we could all give SEA worker’s employers a call… :thinking:

MOL said better thing.

Though slightly off-topic, MOL said other thing too.


The phrase “left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing” springs to mind.

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Yes, they did.

I’m nobody, but it looks on-topic to me.

It looks hopeful now that the Ministry of Labor has stepped in.

Hmmm… Miaoli government. Wasn’t there some foreigner married to some daughter of some extremely high-ranking official, if not magistrate.
Sighhh. My MIL is from Miaoli. Nice people in general, but county always has been and always will be run by shyster government officials.
Some scandal a few years back about selling land, etc. and gov’t official(s) reaping huge profits. Never changes with this county.

Most of the counties that never “flip” (i.e. are controlled by one party only) seem to act like this. For better governance, it’s better to have the threat and possibility of turfing these guys out (which has never happened in Miaoli, with predictable results).



The police are being used to enforce the Miaoli Apartheid system…


So, the county government is doubling down? The president needs to step in.


English article from TaiwanNews.

The measure considered all migrant workers as potential sources of infection, without regard to whether they had been listed as contacts or if they had to go into quarantine or self-monitor their health, the human rights group alleged.

Miaoli learning from Korea I suppose…apparently they didn’t see the part where everyone was completely dumbfounded by the decision and drew international attention to its discriminatory practice…



Is the central government condoning this discrimination from Miaoli County?

A pair of questions were asked in the presser about this. Chen Shih-chung reminded people that we are on Level 3 throughout the country. A follow-up was then asked and he confirmed the same.

I wasn’t paying close enough attention to get real connotation of his statements though it appeared (to me) to be a simple statement of policy.

Not much of a statement. Just saying that things should be following level 3 protocols.

I am always told by Taiwanese how nice they are to foreigners. Is this not true? Must only be the white-skinned English-speaking foreigners then they are super nice to. My bad!


One way to help our SEA friends is to always ask Taiwanese you interact with why they treat these human beings like slaves. Awkward conversations I admit but it’s a start.


So, actually the central government is uninterested in this until it becomes a global face loss. Shame.