What causes negative butts in Taiwan?

So . . . you are surprised you are not in Brasil or Colombia?

I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque!




That was in response to “Maybe because they’re not obese?”

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Trust me i’ve seen women here with plenty of meat. The meat goes all the way up the legs and then when it gets to the ass… boom. Vanishes.

Look there are heaps of different peoples on this lovely island.

Some have ancestral connections to the coastal areas of Fujian. For historical reasons, these folks are often slender.

But many of these settlers interacted with and intermarried with Pingpu people with quite different body types. So lots of folks with Pingpu backgrounds don’t fit this overly narrow image of people in Taiwan. Ditto with many other Indigenous folks especially folks in the south. Ditto with many (not all) of the hundreds of thousands of folks here from SE Asia. And so on.

I can only conclude that the OP hangs around with quite a narrow group of people in Taiwan, especially given the diversity of folks on this island. :person_shrugging:



And it has gotten way out of hand. Huge butts being thought of attractive, that is.

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Well I’m talking about in Taiwan, it really is new like within the last 5 years or something.

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This question has been scientifically answered.

Asian girls all have flat butts because they drink soy milk.

You gotta drink whole milk to grow that bubble.

Im Taiwanese and my butt is large. My leg muscles grow a lot if I workout compared to any other muscle group. I hate it, it makes finding pants impossible as I’m also tall and athletic built with a thin waist. I have to either get pants tailored or wear baggy stuff like sweat pants. My calves are also large, sometimes I can’t even get them through the pants before I even need to worry about my butt not fitting. I never even workout my calves it’s just genetics.


I’m not sure if my butt is big, because I really need someone else to tell me that.

Could it be your Korean genes? I noticed a lot of Koreans, especially athletic types, have big legs. In my twenties when I was doing squats, I gained muscle in my quads pretty quickly, even though the weight I was squatting was embarrassingly low. It was exactly the opposite of what happened in my upper body: decently strong but very little muscle mass.

I’m not sure of the timing of what happened here and overseas, but generally speaking, I just don’t get this fascination in recent times with humongous butts. It’s not attractive to me at all.


That looks like a botox experiment gone wrong.

I wish people would accept people’s bodies for what they are instead of constantly comparing on I-gram and other problematic platforms.



I wish society would just stop judging people based on appearance, where it’s tied to your entire quality of life. It’s why cosmetic surgery is even a thing (it’s a huge thing in Korea because if you don’t look “ideal”, your life will be anything but ideal).

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I’m in Brazil right now and I’ve been to Columbia. You do realize “Brazilian butt lifts” are a thing?

And in Colombia they have push-up bras for your butt?

Lotta cushion for the sanchez pushing!!! :clown_face:

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Huh? Is this some new zoomer slang like “rizz”? You’ll have to explain this one.

Okay, while big Asian butts in general aren’t as common as big Black butts (neither are white butts for that matter), I do occasionally come across giant badonkadonks (my preferred slang :stuck_out_tongue:) here. It’s probably related to diet as much as it is genetics. But I do think giant butts are becoming more common with younger women.

That’s because they are! :peach: :drooling_face:

Look, some people like boobs, some like thighs, some are into butts (the ones who say they only like eyes or a smile are dirty liars). I appreciate all, but like Kramer I’m definitely an

(that said… even the best ass has to be proportionate to the body it belongs to… Kim K is gross)


How can you know when nobody here has one.
It is that thing missing where your legs meet your body from behind.

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