What causes negative butts in Taiwan?

How do you say ass/butt in Mandarin?

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So it’s Mandarin? I didn’t know that. My Chinese is shit.


I just know what I need to know

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modeling your side gig?

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I do notice Korean baseball players have huge legs and calves so maybe.

It’s so weird. I have a hard time building mass on my chest and arms no matter how hard I work them. But my legs just blow up if I work them out not even trying that hard.


Same here, until I started lifting maximum weight. If you want to bulk up then try to max out as quickly as you can. If you can still keep going after being at the gym for 20 minutes then you’re not using enough weights.

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Also move through the full range of motion, and move slowly, very slowly. The faster you move the more momentum helps along the way - you want to work it all!


Thats the complete opposite to how you should train to add mass/ bulk up.

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Well, I certainly didn’t slim down! I got huge so it worked.

They are not attractive because they are fake and grotesque. The legs don’t line up and it looks like she is wearing a nappy.

Imo that’s an Asian trait. I commonly see it here. Big Forearms too. Saw some fried chicken guys with mahoosive forearms in the night market.

Bootays are generally pretty lacking but the potential is there, I’ve seen some :flushed: results from working out. Although most girls just throw on a pair of leggings, take selfies and assume they are now fit…


PiGu! (Pee goo – doesn’t sound so sexy from English ears :joy:)

Edit: and no big butts I think are a bit gross, just … Round and slightly protruding? “Fit” butt. Bubble butts. A nice butt will almost be heart shaped. Brazil and Colombia know.

Seinfeld is still my fav comedy show of all time, mostly relevant in modern days even. I re-watched it recently!

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Note many of those girls have healthy asses. I see that level of sexy on the regular here in Taiwan. Those are big asses, they are normal.

People are si k skinny, sick fat etc now. Lots of sexy healthy asses around Taiwan

The theme song! Love that Oakland booty! :clown_face: :cowboy_hat_face:

Is this natural? Not sure why this is considered attractive now.

Looks like a size +++ version of Jennifer Lopez

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They just tell people what to think. Like fashion, is forced to people.

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Someone obviously hasn’t done the dirty while behind one of those, it’s quite nice!


This may be the time to quote the great mockumentary Spinal Tap:

How I could leave this behind?



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Do you even need to ask? Its AI.

Here is reality for you.

If u are in doubt, just check the hands. She has 5 fingers in one of them. And like 2 toes in total.